1. Theory

Hybrid particle–field simulations switch out the ordinary particle–particle Lennard-Jones interactions with interactions between particles and a slowly varying density field. In this way, the most expensive part of normal molecular dynamics simulations is circumvented. Hybrid particle–field densities are defined as


where r is a spatial coordinate, P is a window function used to distribute particle number densities onto a computational grid, and ri is the position of particle i (of total N). By default, HyMD uses a Cloud-In-Cell (CIC) window function. A Hamiltonian form for a system of N particles in M molecules is


with H0 being a standard intramolecular Hamiltonian form (see Intramolecular bonds) including kinetic terms, while W is a density dependent interaction energy functional.

In the Hamiltonian hPF-MD formalism [Bore and Cascella, 2020], the density field is filtered using a grid-independent filtering function H,


The filter smooths the density, ensuring that ϕ~ and W[ϕ~([ϕ])] both converge as the grid size is reduced.

1.1. External potential

The external potential acting on a particle is defined as the functional derivative of W with respect to ϕ. In the filtered formalism, the potential takes the form


under the assumption of a local form of the interaction energy functional, W[ϕ~]=drw[ϕ~(r)]. Note that


1.2. Force interpolation

The forces on particle i are obtained by differentiation of the external potential,


1.3. Reciprocal space calculations

The field operations in HyMD are discretised and performed on a grid in reciprocal space using (discrete) fast Fourier transform algorithms. After interpolating the density ϕijk with CIC, we apply the filtering and obtain the discrete version of the external potential by




The forces are obtained by differentiation of V in Fourier space as


1.4. Filter

By default, the filter used in HyMD is a simple Gaussian of the form


For more details about the filtering, see Filtering.

1.5. Hamiltonian form

The default form of the interaction energy functional in HyMD is


See Interaction energy functionals for details.