Source code for hymd.plumed

"""Class to wrap PLUMED for use within HyMD.

import numpy as np
import logging
import os
from mpi4py import MPI
from .logger import Logger

[docs]class PlumedBias: """PLUMED handler class Notes ----- This wraps the :code:`Plumed()` class, see ``. The :code:`PlumedBias()` object is created with the arguments from :code:`__init__` and at everystep the methods :code:`prepare()` and :code:`calc()` should be called. Attributes ---------- plumed_obj : plumed.Plumed Plumed object used to pass and request information from PLUMED. plumed_forces : (N, D) numpy.ndarray Array of forces of :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. After :code:`calc()`, this array contains only the forces due to the PLUMED bias. positions : (N, D) numpy.ndarray Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. Local for each MPI rank. Needed because we need C-contiguous array for passing to PLUMED. plumed_bias : (1,) numpy.ndarray Used as a pointer to an :code:`double` to store the bias energy. plumed_version : (1,) numpy.ndarray Used as a pointer to an :code:`int` to store PLUMED API version. intracomm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank communication within a replica. intercomm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank communication between replicas. ready : bool Stores wether the :code:`calc()` method can be called or not. """ plumed_obj = None plumed_forces = None positions = None charges = None plumed_bias = np.zeros(1, np.double) plumed_version = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.intc) intracomm = None intercomm = None ready = False verbose = None def __init__(self, config, plumeddat, logfile, intracomm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, intercomm=None, verbose=1): """Constructor Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. plumeddat : str Path file containing PLUMED input. logfile : str Path to PLUMED's output file intracomm : mpi4py.Comm, optional MPI communicator to use for rank communication within a replica. intercomm : mpi4py.Comm, optional MPI communicator to use for rank communication between replicas. verbose : int, optional Specify the logging event verbosity of this object. See also -------- hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """ try: import plumed except ImportError: err_str = ( "You are trying to use PLUMED but HyMD could not import py-plumed." ) Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str) raise ImportError(err_str) self.intracomm = intracomm self.intercomm = intercomm self.verbose = verbose try: kernel_str = "Using PLUMED_KERNEL={}".format(os.environ["PLUMED_KERNEL"]) except: kernel_str = "The PLUMED_KERNEL environment variable is not set." Logger.rank0.log(logging.INFO, kernel_str) try: self.plumed_obj = plumed.Plumed() except: err_str = ( "HyMD was not able to create a PLUMED object. " "Maybe there is a problem with your PLUMED_KERNEL?" ) Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str) raise RuntimeError(err_str) self.plumed_obj.cmd("getApiVersion", self.plumed_version) if self.plumed_version[0] <= 3: err_str = "HyMD requires a PLUMED API > 3. Use a newer PLUMED kernel." Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str) raise AssertionError(err_str) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setMDEngine", "HyMD") if intercomm is not None: if intracomm.Get_rank() == 0: self.plumed_obj.cmd("GREX setMPIIntercomm", intercomm) self.plumed_obj.cmd("GREX setMPIIntracomm", intracomm) self.plumed_obj.cmd("GREX init") self.plumed_obj.cmd("setMPIComm", intracomm) Logger.rank0.log( logging.INFO, f"Attempting to read PLUMED input from {plumeddat}" ) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setPlumedDat", plumeddat) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setLogFile", logfile) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setTimestep", config.respa_inner * config.time_step) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setNatoms", config.n_particles) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setKbT", config.gas_constant * config.target_temperature) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setNoVirial") self.plumed_obj.cmd("init") Logger.rank0.log( logging.INFO, f"Successfully read PLUMED input. PLUMED output file is {logfile}", )
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finalize object""" self.plumed_obj.finalize()
def __enter__(self): """Allow usage in 'with' context""" return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Finalize on exit of context""" self.plumed_obj.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) @property def api_version(self): """Returns the API version got from the PLUMED kernel.""" return self.plumed_version[0]
[docs] def prepare(self, step, forces, positions, indices, config, charges): """Set the pointers to positions and forces, and returns wether the potential energy is being requested by PLUMED or not. """ if self.verbose > 1: Logger.rank0.log(logging.INFO, f"Setting PLUMED pointers for step {step}") self.plumed_forces = forces.ravel(order="C").astype(np.double) self.charges = charges.astype(np.double) self.positions = positions.ravel(order="C").astype( np.double ) # get C-contiguous array needs_energy = np.zeros(1, np.intc) # plumed_virial = np.zeros((3,3), dtype=np.double) masses = np.full_like(indices, config.mass, dtype=np.double) box = np.diag(config.box_size).astype(np.double) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setAtomsNlocal", indices.shape[0]) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setAtomsGatindex", indices) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setStep", step) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setForces", self.plumed_forces) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setPositions", self.positions) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setCharges", self.charges) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setMasses", masses) self.plumed_obj.cmd("setBox", box) # self.plumed_obj.cmd("setVirial", plumed_virial) # check if PLUMED needs energy and returns self.plumed_obj.cmd("prepareCalc") self.plumed_obj.cmd("isEnergyNeeded", needs_energy) self.ready = True return True if needs_energy[0] != 0 else False
[docs] def calc(self, forces, poteng): """Passes the energy (which can be set to any value in case :code:`prepare()` returns PLUMED doesn't need it) to get the forces and energy from the bias. """ if not self.ready: err_str = ( "Trying to calculate PLUMED biased forces " "without first calling prepare method." ) Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str) raise RuntimeError(err_str) if self.verbose > 1: Logger.rank0.log(logging.INFO, "Calculating PLUMED forces") # set the energy and calc self.plumed_obj.cmd("setEnergy", poteng) self.plumed_obj.cmd("performCalc") self.plumed_obj.cmd("getBias", self.plumed_bias) # check if the returned forces are valid if np.isnan(self.plumed_forces).any(): err_str = ( "Forces returned by PLUMED are not valid. " "It means there's a NaN in the computed forces, " "and your input should be checked. " ) Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str) raise RuntimeError(err_str) # subtract forces to get only the bias' extra force self.plumed_forces -= forces.ravel(order="C") if self.verbose > 1: Logger.rank0.log(logging.INFO, "Done calculating PLUMED forces") self.ready = False return ( np.asfortranarray(np.reshape(self.plumed_forces, forces.shape, order="C")), self.plumed_bias[0], )