Source code for hymd.barostat

"""Implements the Berendsen barostat.
Scales the box and particle positions during simulation to
simulate coupling to an external pressure bath set at a
target pressure.

It calculates the scaling factor according to:
.. math::

    \\alpha_{L,N} = 1 - \\frac{dt n_b}{\\tau_p}\\β(P_{L,N}^t - P_{L,N})

where :math:`dt` is the outer rRESPA time-step, :math:`n_b` is the frequency
of barostat calls, :math:`\\tau_p` is the pressure coupling time constant,
:math:`\\beta` is the isothermal compressibility, :math:`P_{L,N}^t` and 
:math:`P_{L,N}` is the target and instantaneous internal pressure in the 
lateral (L) and normal (N) directions respectively. Convention: Cartesian
z-direction is considered normal.

The box and particle positions are scaled in the L and N directions according
to the nature of the barostat (see functions `isotropic` and `semiisotropic`
below by an amount :math:`\α^{\\frac{1}{3}}`.

The updated system information is passed on to the pmesh objects.

H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma, W. F. van Gunsteren,
A. DiNola, and J. R. Haak , "Molecular dynamics with coupling
to an external bath", J. Chem. Phys. 81, 3684-3690 (1984)
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union
from .pressure import comp_pressure
from .field import initialize_pm

class Target_pressure:
    P_L: Union[bool, float]
    P_N: Union[bool, float]

[docs]def isotropic( pmesh, pm_stuff, phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, positions, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, bond_pr, angle_pr, step, prng, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """ Implements an isotropic Berendsen barostat. The box and particle positions are scaled uniformly in the L and N directions. Parameters ---------- pmesh : module '' pm_stuff : list[Union(,] List of pmesh objects. phi : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type :code:`M`. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. hamiltonian : Hamiltonian Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`. positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. Local for each MPI rank. velocities : (N, D) numpy.ndarray Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions. config : Config Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters. phi_fft : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. phi_laplacian : list[], (M, 3) Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities. phi_transfer : list[], (3,) Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities. bond_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds. angle_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds. step : integer MD step number prng : np.random.Generator Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits comm : MPI.Intracomm, optional MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD. Returns ------- pm_stuff : list[Union(,] List of modified/unmodified pmesh objects. change : Boolean Indicates whether or not any pmesh objects were reinitialized. """ rank = comm.Get_rank() beta = 4.6 * 10 ** (-5) # bar^(-1) #isothermal compressibility of water change = False if np.mod(step, config.n_b) == 0: change = True # compute pressure pressure = comp_pressure( phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, positions, bond_pr, angle_pr, comm=comm, ) # Total pressure across all ranks P = np.average(pressure[-3:-1]) # kJ/(mol nm^3) P = P * 16.61 # bar # scaling factor alpha = ( 1.0 - (config.time_step * config.respa_inner) * config.n_b / config.tau_p * beta * (config.target_pressure.P_L - P) ) ** (1 / 3) # length scaling config.box_size *= alpha # position coordinates scaling positions *= alpha # pmesh re-initialize pm_stuff = initialize_pm(pmesh, config, comm) return (pm_stuff, change)
[docs]def semiisotropic( pmesh, pm_stuff, phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, positions, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, bond_pr, angle_pr, step, prng, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """ Implements a semiisotropic Berendsen barostat. The box and particle positions are scaled by :math:`\\alpha_L^{\\frac{1}{3}}` in the L direction and by :math:`\\alpha_N^{\\frac{1}{3}}` in the N direction. Parameters ---------- pmesh : module '' pm_stuff : list[Union(,] List of pmesh objects. phi : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type :code:`M`. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. hamiltonian : Hamiltonian Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`. positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. Local for each MPI rank. velocities : (N, D) numpy.ndarray Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions. config : Config Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters. phi_fft : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. phi_laplacian : list[], (M, 3) Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities. phi_transfer : list[], (3,) Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities. bond_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds. angle_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds. step : integer MD step number prng : np.random.Generator Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits comm : MPI.Intracomm, optional MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD. Returns ------- pm_stuff : list[Union(,] List of modified/unmodified pmesh objects. change : Boolean Indicates whether or not any pmesh objects were reinitialized. """ rank = comm.Get_rank() beta = 4.6 * 10 ** (-5) # bar^(-1) #isothermal compressibility of water change = False if np.mod(step, config.n_b) == 0: change = True # compute pressure pressure = comp_pressure( phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, positions, bond_pr, angle_pr, comm=comm, ) # Total pressure across all ranks # L: Lateral; N: Normal [PL, PN] = [0, 0] PL = (pressure[-3] + pressure[-2]) / 2 # kJ/(mol nm^3) PN = pressure[-1] # kJ/(mol nm^3) PL = PL * 16.61 # bar PN = PN * 16.61 # bar alphaL = 1.0 alphaN = 1.0 if config.target_pressure.P_L: # scaling factor alphaL = ( 1.0 - (config.time_step * config.respa_inner) * config.n_b / config.tau_p * beta * (config.target_pressure.P_L - PL) ) ** (1 / 3) # length scaling config.box_size[0:2] *= alphaL positions[:][0:2] *= alphaL if config.target_pressure.P_N: # scaling factor alphaN = ( 1.0 - (config.time_step * config.respa_inner) * config.n_b / config.tau_p * beta * (config.target_pressure.P_N - PN) ) ** (1 / 3) # length scaling config.box_size[2] *= alphaN positions[:][2] *= alphaN # pmesh re-initialize pm_stuff = initialize_pm(pmesh, config, comm) return (pm_stuff, change)