4. API reference
4.1. Integrator
Integrates equations of motion.
Implements the Velocity Verlet integrator. The reversible reference system propagator algorithm (rRESPA) integrator uses the Velocity Verlet functions inside the MD loop in the main module.
- hymd.integrator.integrate_position(positions, velocities, time_step)[source]
Position update step of the Velocity Verlet integration algorithm.
Computes the position update step of the Velocity Verlet algorithm. The
argument is not changed in place.- Parameters:
- positions(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions of
particles inD
dimensions.- velocities(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of
particles inD
dimensions.- time_stepfloat
The time step used in the integration.
See also
The velocity update step of the Velocity Verlet algorithm.
The Velocity Verlet algorithm contains two steps, first the velocties are integrated one half step forward in time by applying the forces from the previous step, then the positions are updated a full step using the updated velocities
\[\mathbf{x}_{\text{new}} = \mathbf{x} + \Delta t \mathbf{v}\]
- hymd.integrator.integrate_velocity(velocities, accelerations, time_step)[source]
Velocity update step of the Velocity Verlet integration algorithm.
Computes the velocity update step of the Velocity Verlet algorithm. The
argument is not changed in place.- Parameters:
- velocities(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of
particles inD
dimensions.- accelerations(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of accelerations of
particles inD
dimensions.- time_stepfloat
The time step used in the integration.
See also
The position update step of the Velocity Verlet algorithm.
The Velocity Verlet algorithm contains two steps, first the velocties are integrated one half step forward in time by applying the forces from the previous step
\[\mathbf{v}_{\text{new}} = \mathbf{v} + \frac{\Delta t}{2m} \mathbf{f}\]before the positions are moved a full step using the updated half-step velocities.
4.2. Thermostat
Scales or otherwise modifies the particle velocities during simulation to simulate coupling to an external heat bath with temperature T₀.
- hymd.thermostat._random_chi_squared(prng: Generator, M: int) float [source]
Draw the sum of
squared normally distributed valuesThe value is generated by the Gamma distribution, in lieu of generating
Gaussian distributed numbers and summing their squares.- Parameters:
- prngnp.random.Generator
Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits
- Mint
Number of standard normally distributed numbers in the sum.
- Returns:
- float
The sum of
squared normally distributed values centered at zero with unit standard deviation.
The sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables is distributed according to a \(\chi^2\) distribution.
\[\chi^2_1 + \chi_2^2 + \chi_3^2 + \dots + \chi_M^2 \sim \sigma^2\chi^2(k)\]This is a special case of the \(\Gamma\) distribution, \(\Gamma(k/2, 2)\), and may be generated by
\[\chi^2(k) \sim 2 \Gamma(k/2, 2)\]References
Knuth, D.E. 1981, Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd ed., vol. 2 of The Art of Computer Programming (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley), pp. 120ff. J. H. Ahrens and U. Dieter, Computing 12 (1974), 223-246.
- hymd.thermostat._random_gaussian(prng: Generator) float [source]
Draw a single random number from the standard normal distribution Generate a number from the Gaussian distribution centered at zero with unit standard deviation, \(N(0, 1)\).
- Parameters:
- prngnp.random.Generator
Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits
- Returns:
- float
A random number drawn from \(N(0, 1)\).
- hymd.thermostat.csvr_thermostat(velocity: ~numpy.ndarray, names: ~numpy.ndarray, config: ~hymd.input_parser.Config, prng: ~numpy.random._generator.Generator, comm: ~mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm = <mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>, random_gaussian: ~typing.Callable[[~numpy.random._generator.Generator], float] = <function _random_gaussian>, random_chi_squared: ~typing.Callable[[~numpy.random._generator.Generator, int, float], float] = <function _random_chi_squared>, remove_center_of_mass_momentum: bool = True) ndarray [source]
Canonical sampling through velocity rescaling thermostat
Implements the CSVR thermostat. Rescales the system kinetic energy by a stochastically chosen factor to keep the temperature constant. Requires communcation of the kinetic energies calculated locally for each MPI rank. The random numbers sampled through
are broadcast from the root rank to the other ranks to ensure the scaling is performed with the same stochasticity for all particles in the full system.The velocities are cleaned of center of mass momentum before the thermostat is applied, and the center of mass momentum is subsequently reapplied. This is performed for each thermostat coupling group, i.e. the center of mass momenta of each group is separately removed and reapplied after thermostatting.
The implementation here is based on the derivation presented in the 2008 Comput. Phys. Commun paper, not in the original 2007 J. Chem. Phys. paper.
- Parameters:
- velocity(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions.
- names(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle names.
- configConfig
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
- prngnp.random.Generator
Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits
- commMPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
- random_gaussiancallable, optional
Function for generating standard normally distributed numbers.
- random_chi_squaredcallable, optional
Function for generating \(\chi^2\)-distributed numbers
- remove_center_of_mass_momentumbool, optional
If True, the center of mass of each coupling group is removed before the thermostat is applied. The center of mass momenta are added back after the kinetic energy rescaling is complete.
See also
Used to sample Gaussian-distributed numbers.
Used to sample \(\chi^2\)-distributed numbers.
Configuration dataclass handler.
G. Bussi, D. Donadio, and M. Parrinello, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 014101 (2007). G. Bussi and M. Parrinello, Comput. Phys. Commun. 179, 26-29, (2008).
4.3. Barostat
4.3.1. Berendsen Barostat
Implements the Berendsen barostat. Scales the box and particle positions during simulation to simulate coupling to an external pressure bath set at a target pressure.
It calculates the scaling factor according to: .. math:
\alpha_{L,N} = 1 - \frac{dt n_b}{\tau_p}\β(P_{L,N}^t - P_{L,N})
where \(dt\) is the outer rRESPA time-step, \(n_b\) is the frequency of barostat calls, \(\tau_p\) is the pressure coupling time constant, \(\beta\) is the isothermal compressibility, \(P_{L,N}^t\) and \(P_{L,N}\) is the target and instantaneous internal pressure in the lateral (L) and normal (N) directions respectively. Convention: Cartesian z-direction is considered normal.
The box and particle positions are scaled in the L and N directions according to the nature of the barostat (see functions isotropic and semiisotropic below by an amount \(\α^{\frac{1}{3}}\).
The updated system information is passed on to the pmesh objects. References
H. J. C. Berendsen, J. P. M. Postma, W. F. van Gunsteren, A. DiNola, and J. R. Haak , “Molecular dynamics with coupling to an external bath”, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 3684-3690 (1984)
- hymd.barostat.isotropic(pmesh, pm_stuff, phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, positions, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, bond_pr, angle_pr, step, prng, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Implements an isotropic Berendsen barostat. The box and particle positions are scaled uniformly in the L and N directions.
- Parameters:
- pmeshmodule ‘pmesh.pm’
- pm_stufflist[Union(pmesh.pm.RealField, pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
List of pmesh objects.
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle typeM
. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- velocities(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions.
- configConfig
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
- phi_fftlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_laplacianlist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M, 3)
Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities.
- phi_transferlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (3,)
Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities.
- bond_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds.
- angle_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds.
- stepinteger
MD step number
- prngnp.random.Generator
Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits
- commMPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
- Returns:
- pm_stufflist[Union(pmesh.pm.RealField, pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
List of modified/unmodified pmesh objects.
- changeBoolean
Indicates whether or not any pmesh objects were reinitialized.
- hymd.barostat.semiisotropic(pmesh, pm_stuff, phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, positions, velocities, config, phi_fft, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, bond_pr, angle_pr, step, prng, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Implements a semiisotropic Berendsen barostat. The box and particle positions are scaled by \(\alpha_L^{\frac{1}{3}}\) in the L direction and by \(\alpha_N^{\frac{1}{3}}\) in the N direction.
- Parameters:
- pmeshmodule ‘pmesh.pm’
- pm_stufflist[Union(pmesh.pm.RealField, pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
List of pmesh objects.
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle typeM
. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- velocities(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions.
- configConfig
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
- phi_fftlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_laplacianlist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M, 3)
Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities.
- phi_transferlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (3,)
Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities.
- bond_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds.
- angle_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds.
- stepinteger
MD step number
- prngnp.random.Generator
Numpy object that provides a stream of random bits
- commMPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
- Returns:
- pm_stufflist[Union(pmesh.pm.RealField, pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
List of modified/unmodified pmesh objects.
- changeBoolean
Indicates whether or not any pmesh objects were reinitialized.
4.3.2. SCR Barostat
4.4. Hamiltonian
- class hymd.hamiltonian.Hamiltonian(config)[source]
Interaction energy functional superclass
- __init__(config)[source]
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
See also
Configuration dataclass handler.
- class hymd.hamiltonian.SquaredPhi(config)[source]
Simple squared density interaction energy functional
The interaction energy density takes the form
\[w[\tilde\phi] = \frac{1}{2\kappa\rho_0} \left( \sum_k \tilde\phi_k \right)^2,\]where \(\kappa\) is the compressibility and \(rho_0\) is the average density of the fully homogenous system. Expressing the species densities in terms of fluctuations from the average,
\[\mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k = \rho_0 - \tilde\phi_k,\]it is evident that this interaction energy functional is a slight change of the
Hamiltonian, as the expanded interaction energy density becomes\[w[\tilde\phi] = \frac{1}{2\kappa\rho_0} \left( 6\rho_0\left[ \sum_k \mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k \right] + 9\rho_0^2 + \sum_k \mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k^2 + \prod_{k\not=l} \mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k \mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_l \right),\]identical to
apart from a constant energy shift \(9\rho_0^2`(which does not impact dynamics) and the :math:\)rho_0`–\(\mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k\) cross-terms. These cross-terms constitute contributions to the energy linear in \(\mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k\) absent inDefaultNoChi
, which has only quadratic terms present.See also
- __init__(config)[source]
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
See also
Configuration dataclass handler.
- class hymd.hamiltonian.DefaultNoChi(config)[source]
Incompressibility-only interaction energy functional
The interaction energy density takes the form
\[w[\tilde\phi] = \frac{1}{2\kappa} \left( \sum_k \tilde\phi_k - a \right)^2,\]where \(\kappa\) is the compressibility and \(a=\rho_0\) for NVT runs where \(\rho_0\) is the average density of the fully homogenous system. In case of NPT runs, \(a\) is a calibrated parameter to obtain the correct average density at the target temperature and pressure. The
Hamiltonian implements a similar functional with an additional linear term component depending on\[\mathmr{d}\tilde\phi_k = \tilde\phi_k - \rho_0\]and not \(\mathrm{d}\tilde\phi_k^2\). No explicit inter-species interaction is present apart from the indirect interaction through the incompressibility.
See also
Configuration dataclass handler.
- __init__(config)[source]
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
See also
Configuration dataclass handler.
- class hymd.hamiltonian.DefaultWithChi(config, unique_names, type_to_name_map)[source]
Incompressibility and \(\chi\)-interactions energy functional
The interaction energy density takes the form
\[w[\tilde\phi] = \frac{1}{2\rho_0} \sum_{k,l}\chi_{kl} \tilde\phi_k \tilde\phi_l + \frac{1}{2\kappa} \left( \sum_k \tilde\phi_k - a \right)^2,\]where \(\kappa\) is the compressibility and \(a=\rho_0\) for NVT runs where \(\rho_0\) is the average density of the fully homogenous system. In case of NPT runs, \(a\) is a calibrated parameter to obtain the correct average density at the target temperature and pressure. \(\chi_{ij}\) is the Flory-Huggins-like inter-species mixing energy.
- __init__(config, unique_names, type_to_name_map)[source]
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
- unique_namesnumpy.ndarray
Sorted array of all distinct names of different species present in the simulation. Result of
, whereall_names
is the gathered union of all individual MPI ranks’names
arrays.- type_to_name_mapdict[int, str]
Dictionary of the mapping from type indices (integers) to type names.
See also
Configuration dataclass handler.
- setup(unique_names, type_to_name_map)[source]
Setup the interaction energy potential and the external potential
- Parameters:
- unique_namesnumpy.ndarray
Sorted array of all distinct names of different species present in the simulation. Result of
, whereall_names
is the gathered union of all individual MPI ranks’names
arrays.- type_to_name_mapdict[int, str]
Dictionary of the mapping from type indices (integers) to type names.
4.5. Force
Calculates intramolecular forces between bonded particles in molecules
- class hymd.force.Angle(atom_1: str, atom_2: str, equilibrium: float, strength: float, atom_3: str)[source]
Dataclass representing a single three-particle bond type
A bond type is a bond strength and equilibrium angle associated with any three-particle bond between particles of specific types
, andC
, andC
may be different or the same). Harmonic angular three-particle bonds in HyMD take the form\[V_3(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2, \mathbf{r}_3) = \frac{1}{2}k \left( \cos^{-1} \left[ \frac{ (\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_2) \cdot (\mathbf{r}_3-\mathbf{r}_2) } { \vert\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_2\vert \vert\mathbf{r}_3-\mathbf{r}_2\vert } \right] - \theta_0 \right)^2\]See also
Two-particle bond type dataclass
- Attributes:
- atom_1str
Type name of particle 1.
- atom_2str
Type name of particle 2.
- atom_3str
Type name of particle 3.
- equilibriumfloat
Equilibrium angle at which the energy associated with the three-particle angular bond vanishes and the resulting force is zero.
- strengthfloat
Harmonic bond strength coefficient.
- atom_3: str
- class hymd.force.Bond(atom_1: str, atom_2: str, equilibrium: float, strength: float)[source]
Dataclass representing a single two-particle bond type
A bond type is a bond strength and equilibrium distance associated with any bond between particles of specific types
may be the same or different). Harmonic two-particle bonds in HyMD take the form\[V_2(\mathbf{r}_1, \mathbf{r}_2) = \frac{1}{2}k \left( \vert \mathbf{r}_1 - \mathbf{r}_2 \vert - r_0 \right)^2,\]where \(k\) is the bond strength (spring constant) and \(r_0\) is the equilibrium bond length (at which the energy is zero).
- Attributes:
- atom_1str
Type name of particle 1.
- atom_2str
Type name of particle 2.
- equilibriumfloat
Equilibrium distance at which the energy associated with the bond vanishes and the resulting force is zero.
- strengthfloat
Harmonic bond strength coefficient (spring constant).
- atom_1: str
- atom_2: str
- equilibrium: float
- strength: float
- class hymd.force.Chi(atom_1: str, atom_2: str, interaction_energy: float)[source]
Dataclass representing a single \(\chi\) mixing interaction type
An interaction mixing energy type is a mixing energy associated with density overlap between species of types
(specified as inputsatom_1
). A positive mixing energy promotes phase separation, a negative mixing energy promotes mixing. The interaction energy density (provided theDefaultWithChi
Hamiltonian is used) takes the form\[w[\tilde\phi] = \frac{1}{2\kappa} \sum_{k,l}\chi_{k,l} \tilde\phi_k\tilde\phi_l,\]where \(\chi_{k,l}\) denotes the mixing energy between species \(k\) and \(l\), with \(\kappa\) being the incompressibility. The value of the interaction mixing energy parameter may be extracted from Flory-Huggins theory.
See also
Interaction energy functional using \(\chi\)-interactions.
- Attributes:
- atom_1str
Type name of particle 1.
- atom_2str
Type name of particle 2.
- interaction_energyfloat
Interaction mixing energy.
- atom_1: str
- atom_2: str
- interaction_energy: float
- class hymd.force.Dielectric_type(atom_1: str, dielectric_value: float)[source]
- atom_1: str
- dielectric_value: float
- class hymd.force.Dihedral(atom_1: str, atom_2: str, atom_3: str, atom_4: str, coeffs: ndarray, dih_type: int)[source]
Dataclass representing a single four-particle bond type
A bond type is a bond strength and equilibrium angle associated with any four-particle torsional bond between particles of specific types
, andD
, andD
may be different or the same). Dihedral four-particle bonds in HyMD take different forms depending on thedih_type
parameter.In the following, let \(\phi\) denote the angle between the planes spanned by the relative positions of atoms
. Ifdih_type = 0
, then\[V_4(\phi) = \sum_n c_n \left( 1 + \cos\left[ n\phi - d_n \right] \right),\]where \(c_n\) are energy coefficients and \(d_n\) are propensity phases. By default, the cosine sum is truncated at five terms. If
provides only a single float, this is used as the coiling propensity parameter \(\lambda\). In this case, \(c_n\) and \(d_n\) are automatically set to values which promote alpha helical (\(\lambda=-1\)), beta sheet (\(\lambda=1\)), or a mixed (\(1>\lambda>-1\)) structure (using values provided by Bore et al. (2018)). In this case, the full potential takes the form\[V_4(\phi;\lambda) = \frac{1}{2}(1-\lambda) V_{\text{prop},\alpha}(\phi) + \frac{1}{2}(1+\lambda) V_{\text{prop},\beta}(\phi) + (1-\vert\lambda\vert) V_{\text{prop}, \text{coil}}(\phi),\]with each of the \(V_{\mathrm{prop}, X}\) being fixed cosine series potentials with pre-set \(c_n\) -s and \(d_n\) -s.
dih_type = 1
, then a combined bending torsional (CBT) potential is employed,\[V_4(\phi,\gamma;\lambda) = V_4(\phi;\lambda) + \frac{1}{2}K(\phi)(\gamma - \gamma_0)^2,\]where \(V_4(\phi;\lambda)\) specifies the potential as given by the coiling propensity parameter above, \(K(\phi)\) is a separate cosine series potential acting as the angular three-particle bond strength, and \(\gamma_0\) is the three-particle bond equilibrium angle. In this case, the
parameter must specify both a \(\lambda\) value, in additon to the energy and phases dictating the \(K(\phi)\) potential.References
Bore et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 14(2): 1120–1130, 2018.
- Attributes:
- atom_1str
Type name of particle 1.
- atom_2str
Type name of particle 2.
- atom_3str
Type name of particle 3.
- atom_4str
Type name of particle 4.
- coeffslist[list[float]] or list[float] or numpy.ndarray
Dihedral coefficients defining the series expansion of the dihedral energy.
- dih_typeint
Specifies the type of dihedral used; If
, thencoeffs
must contain either two lists of five energy coefficients \(c_n\) and five propensity phases \(d_n\) or a single floating point number defining the \(\lambda\) coiling propensity parameter. If1
, the combined bending-torsional potential is used, andcoeffs
must specify \(\lambda\) and two lists containing energy coefficients and propensity phases for the \(V_\text{prop}\) propensity potential, defined in terms of cosine series.
- atom_1: str
- atom_2: str
- atom_3: str
- atom_4: str
- coeffs: ndarray
- dih_type: int
- hymd.force.compute_angle_forces__plain(f_angles, r, bonds_3, box_size)[source]
Computes forces resulting from angular interactions
Deprecated since version 1.0.0:
was replaced by compiled Fortran code prior to 1.0.0 release.
- hymd.force.compute_bond_forces__plain(f_bonds, r, bonds_2, box_size)[source]
Computes forces resulting from bonded interactions
Deprecated since version 1.0.0:
was replaced by compiled Fortran code prior to 1.0.0 release.
- hymd.force.compute_dihedral_forces__plain(f_dihedrals, r, bonds_4, box_size)[source]
Computes forces resulting from dihedral interactions
Deprecated since version 1.0.0:
was replaced by compiled Fortran code prior to 1.0.0 release.
- hymd.force.dipole_forces_redistribution(f_on_bead, f_dipoles, trans_matrices, a, b, c, d, type_array, last_bb)[source]
Redistribute electrostatic forces calculated from topologically reconstructed ghost dipole point charges to the backcone atoms of the protein.
- hymd.force.find_all_paths(G, u, n)[source]
Helper function that recursively finds all paths of given lenght ‘n + 1’ inside a network ‘G’. Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/28103735.
- hymd.force.prepare_bonds(molecules, names, bonds, indices, config, topol=None)[source]
Rearrange the bond information for usage in compiled Fortran kernels
Restructures the lists resulting from the execution of
into numpy arrays suitable for calls to optimized Fortran code calculating bonded forces and energiesself.- Parameters:
- molecules(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- names(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type names for each of
particles.- bonds(N,M) numpy.ndarray
Array of
bonds originating from each ofN
particles.- indices(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer indices for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- configConfig
Configuration object.
- Returns:
- bonds_2_atom_1(B,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of
constructed two-particle bonds.- bonds_2_atom_2(B,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of
constructed two-particle bonds.- bonds_2_equilibrium(B,) numpy.ndarray
Equilibrium distance for each of
constructed two-particle bonds.- bonds_2_strength(B,) numpy.ndarray
Bond strength for each of
constructed two-particle bonds.- bonds_3_atom_1(A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of
constructed three-particle bonds.- bonds_3_atom_2(A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of
constructed three-particle bonds.- bonds_3_atom_3(A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 3 for each of
constructed three-particle bonds.- bonds_3_equilibrium(A,) numpy.ndarray
Equilibrium angle for each of
constructed three-particle bonds.- bonds_3_strength(A,) numpy.ndarray
Bond strength for each of
constructed three-particle bonds.- bonds_4_atom_1(D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_atom_2(D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_atom_3(D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 3 for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_atom_4(D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 4 for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_coeff(D,) numpy.ndarray
Cosine series coefficients for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_type(D,) numpy.ndarray
Dihedral type for each of
constructed four-particle bonds.- bonds_4_last(D,) numpy.ndarray
Flags indicating if
for each ofD
constructed four-particle bonds.
See also
Used internally to reconstruct the bonded interactions types from the connectivity information in the structure/topology input file and the bonded types specified in the configuration file.
- hymd.force.prepare_bonds_old(molecules, names, bonds, indices, config)[source]
Find bonded interactions from connectivity and bond types information
Deprecated since version 1.0.0:
was replaced byprepare_bonds
for use with compiled Fortran kernels prior to 1.0.0 release.Prepares the necessary equilibrium and bond strength information needed by the intramolecular interaction functions. This is performed locally on each MPI rank, as the domain decomposition ensures that for all molecules all consituent particles are always contained on the same MPI rankself.
This function traverses the bond connectivity information provided in the structure/topology input file and indentifies any two-, three-, or four-particle potential bonds. For each connected chain of two, three, or four particles, a matching to bond types is attempted. If the corresponding names match, a bond object is initialized.
In order to investigate the connectivity, a graph is created using networkx functionality.
- Parameters:
- molecules(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- names(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type names for each of
particles.- bonds(N,M) numpy.ndarray
Array of
bonds originating from each ofN
particles.- indices(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer indices for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- configConfig
Configuration object.
- Returns:
- bonds_2list
List of lists containing local particle indices, equilibrium distance, and bond strength coefficient for each reconstructed two-particle bond.
- bonds_3
List of lists containing local particle indices, equilibrium angle, and bond strength coefficient for each reconstructed three-particle bond.
- bonds_4
List of lists containing local particle indices, dihedral type index, and dihedral coefficients for each reconstructed four-particle torsional bond.
- bb_indexlist
List indicating the dihedral type of each four-particle bond in
See also
Two-particle bond type dataclass.
Three-particle angular bond type dataclass.
Four-particle torsional bond type dataclass.
Configuration dataclass handler.
4.6. Pressure
- hymd.pressure.comp_pressure(phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, velocities, config, phi_fourier, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, positions, bond_pr, angle_pr, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Computes total internal pressure of the system. Kinetic pressure is trivially calculated from the kinetic energy. Already computed bond and angle pressure terms are inserted into the total internal pressure. The field pressure equation is implemented.
- Parameters:
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle typeM
. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- velocities(N, D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions.
- configConfig
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
- phi_fourierlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (M,)
objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_laplacianlist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M, 3)
Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities.
- phi_transferlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (3,)
Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities.
- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- bond_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds.
- angle_pr(3,) numpy.ndarray
Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds
- commMPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
- Returns:
- pressure(18,) numpy.ndarray
Pressure contributions from various energy terms. 0: due to kinetic energy 1-5: due to field energy 6-8: due to two-particle bonded terms 9-11: due to three-particle bonded terms (called angle terms) 12-14: due to four-particle bonded terms (called dihedral terms) (defaults to 0 currently. Yet to be implemented) 15-17: total pressure in x,y,z directions.
4.7. Logger
- class hymd.logger.Logger[source]
Log output handler class
This wraps the default python library
, see docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html.- Attributes:
- levelint
Determines the verbosity level of the log, corresponding to logging.level. Numerical values
), and0
) are supported values. Any log event message less severe than the specified level is ignored. All other event messages are emitted.- log_filestr
Path to output log file.
- formatstr
Prepended dump string for each log event. Specifies the log event level, the module emitting the event, the code line, the enclosing function name, and the MPI rank writing the message.
- date_formatstr
Prepends the date before all log event messages.
- formatterlogging.Formatter
Formatter handling the prepending of the information in format and date_format to each log event message. Used by default for all loggers.
- rank0logging.Logger
Default logger object for the root MPI rank.
- all_rankslogging.Logger
Default logger object for messages being emitted from all MPI ranks simultaneously.
- classmethod setup(default_level=20, log_file=None, verbose=False, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Sets up the logger object.
If a
path is provided, log event messages are output to it. Otherwise, the logging messages are emitted to stdout.- Parameters:
- default_levelint, optional
Default verbosity level of the logger. Unless specified, it is
).- log_filestr, optional
Path to output log file. If None or not priovided, no log file is used and all logging is done to stdout.
- verbosebool, optional
Increases the logging level to
) if True, otherwise leaves the logging level unchanged.
4.8. Input parser
Parses and handles the configuration information provided for the simulation
- class hymd.input_parser.Config(n_steps: int, time_step: float, mesh_size: ~typing.List[int] | ~numpy.ndarray | int, sigma: float, kappa: float, dtype: ~numpy.dtype | None = None, box_size: ~typing.List[float] | ~numpy.ndarray | None = None, n_print: int | None = None, tau: float | None = None, start_temperature: float | bool | None = None, target_temperature: float | bool | None = None, mass: float | None = None, hamiltonian: str | None = None, domain_decomposition: int | bool | None = None, integrator: str | None = None, respa_inner: int = 1, file_name: str = '<config file path unknown>', name: str | None = None, tags: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, bonds: ~typing.List[~hymd.force.Bond] = <factory>, angle_bonds: ~typing.List[~hymd.force.Angle] = <factory>, dihedrals: ~typing.List[~hymd.force.Dihedral] = <factory>, chi: ~typing.List[~hymd.force.Chi] = <factory>, n_particles: int | None = None, max_molecule_size: int | None = None, n_flush: int | None = None, thermostat_work: float = 0.0, thermostat_coupling_groups: ~typing.List[~typing.List[str]] = <factory>, initial_energy: float | None = None, cancel_com_momentum: int | bool = False, coulombtype: str | None = None, convergence_type: str | None = None, pol_mixing: float | None = None, dielectric_const: float | None = None, conv_crit: float | None = None, dielectric_type: ~typing.List[~hymd.force.Dielectric_type] = <factory>, self_energy: float | None = None, type_charges: ~typing.List[float] | ~numpy.ndarray | None = None, rho0: float | None = None, a: float | None = None, pressure: bool = False, barostat: str | None = None, barostat_type: str | None = None, tau_p: float | None = None, target_pressure: ~typing.List[~hymd.barostat.Target_pressure] = <factory>, n_b: int | None = None, m: ~typing.List[float] = <factory>)[source]
Configuration object
Handles and verifies the simulation configuration specified in the configuration file.
See also
Two-particle bond type dataclass.
Three-particle bond type dataclass.
Four-particle bond type dataclass.
- Attributes:
- gas_constantfloat
Constant value of the gas constant, R (equivalently the Boltzmann constant) in the units used internally in HyMD.
- coulomb_constantfloat
Constant value of the Coulomb constant which converts electric field values to forces and electric potential values to energies in the units used internally in HyMD.
- n_steps: int
Number of time steps in the simulation.
- time_step: float
Outer time step used in the simulation. If the rRESPA intergrator is used, the inner time step (the time step used in the integration of intramolecular bending, stretching, and torsional forces) is
time_step / respa_inner
.- box_sizelist[float] or (D,) numpy.ndarray
Simulation box size of simulation in
dimensions in units of nanometers.- mesh_sizelist[int] or int or numpy.ndarray
Number of grid points used for the discrete density grid.
- sigmafloat
Filter width representing the effective coarse-graining level of the particles in the simulation.
- kappafloat
Compressibility parameter used in the relaxed incompressibility term in the interaction energy functional.
- n_printint, optional
Frequency of trajectory/energy output to the H5MD trajectory/energy output file (in units of number of time steps).
- taufloat, optional
The time scale of the CSVR thermostat coupling.
- start_temperaturefloat, optional
Generate starting temperature by assigning all particle velocities randomly according to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution at
Kelvin prior to starting the simulation.- target_temperaturefloat, optional
Couple the system to a heat bath at
Kelvin.- massfloat, optional
Mass of the particles in the simulation.
- hamiltonianstr, optional
Specifies the interaction energy functional \(W[\tilde\phi]\) for use with the particle-field interactions. Options:
, orDefaultWithChi
.- domain_decompositionint, optional
Specifies the interval (in time steps) of domain decomposition exchange, involving all MPI ranks sending and receiving particles according to the particles’ positions in the integration box and the MPI ranks’ assigned domain.
- integratorstr, optional
Specifies the time integrator used in the simulation. Options:
.- respa_innerint, optional
The number of inner time steps in the rRESPA integrator. This denotes the number of intramolecular force calculations (stretching, bending, torsional) are performed between each impulse applied from the field forces.
- file_namestr, optional
File path of the parsed configuration file.
- namestr, optional
Name for the simulation.
- tagslist[str], optional
Tags for the simulation.
- bondslist[Bond], optional
Specifies harmonic stretching potentials between particles in the same molecule.
- angle_bondslist[Angle], optional
Specifies harmonic angular bending potentials between particles in the same molecule.
- dihedralslist[Dihedral], optional
Specifies four-particle torsional potentials by cosine series.
- chilist[Chi], optional
Specifies \(\chi\)-interaction parameters between particle species.
- n_particlesint, optional
Specifies the total number of particles in the input. Optional keyword for validation, ensuring the input HDF5 topology has the correct number of particles and molecules.
- max_molecule_sizeint, optional
Maximum size of any single molecule in the system. Used to speed up distribution of particles onto MPI ranks in a parallel fashion.
- n_flushint, optional
Frequency of HDF5 write buffer flush, forcing trajectory/energy to be written to disk (in units of number of
).- thermostat_workfloat
Work performed by the thermostat on the system.
- thermostat_coupling_groupslist[str], optional
Specifies individual groups coupling independently to the CSVR thermostat. E.g. in a system containing
, and"C"
type particles,thermostat_coupling_groups = [["A", "B"], ["C"],]
would thermalise types"A"
together and couple"C"
type particles to a different thermostat (all individual thermostats are at the same temperature, i.e. target_temperature Kelvin).- initial_energyfloat
Value of the total energy prior to the start of the simulation.
- cancel_com_momentumint, optional
, the total linear momentum of the center of mass is removed before starting the simulation. If an integer is specifed, the total linear momentum of the center of mass is removed everyremove_com_momentum
time steps. IfFalse
, the linear momentum is never removed.- coulombtypestr, optional
Specifies the type of electrostatic Coulomb interactions in the system. The strength of the electrostatic forces is modulated by the relative dielectric constant of the simulation medium, specified with the
keyword. Charges for individual particles are specified in the structure/topology HDF5 input file, not in the configuration file. If no charges (or peptide backbone dipoles) are present, the electrostatic forces will not be calculated even if this keyword is set to"PIC_Spectral"
.- dielectric_constfloat, optional
Specifies the relative dielectric constant of the simulation medium which regulates the strength of the electrostatic interactions. When using helical propensity dihedrals, this keyword must be specified—even if electrostatics are not included with the
keyword.- dielectric_type: list[float], optional
Specifies the relative dielectric constant of the simulation medium which regulates the strength of the electrostatic interactions. The list assigns relative dielectric values to each bead type, and an anisotropic dielectric function is obtained from a weighted average.
- a: float = None
- barostat: str = None
- barostat_type: str = None
- box_size: List[float] | ndarray = None
- cancel_com_momentum: int | bool = False
- conv_crit: float = None
- convergence_type: str = None
- coulomb_constant: ClassVar[float] = 138.935458
- coulombtype: str = None
- dielectric_const: float = None
- dielectric_type: List[Dielectric_type]
- domain_decomposition: int | bool = None
- dtype: dtype = None
- file_name: str = '<config file path unknown>'
- gas_constant: ClassVar[float] = 0.0083144621
- hamiltonian: str = None
- initial_energy: float = None
- integrator: str = None
- kappa: float
- m: List[float]
- mass: float = None
- max_molecule_size: int = None
- mesh_size: List[int] | ndarray | int
- n_b: int = None
- n_flush: int = None
- n_particles: int = None
- n_print: int = None
- n_steps: int
- name: str = None
- pol_mixing: float = None
- pressure: bool = False
- respa_inner: int = 1
- rho0: float = None
- self_energy: float = None
- sigma: float
- start_temperature: float | bool = None
- tags: List[str]
- target_pressure: List[Target_pressure]
- target_temperature: float | bool = None
- tau: float = None
- tau_p: float = None
- thermostat_coupling_groups: List[List[str]]
- thermostat_work: float = 0.0
- time_step: float
- type_charges: List[float] | ndarray = None
- hymd.input_parser.check_NPT_conditions(config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Check validity of barostat_type, barostat, a, rho0, target_pressure, tau_p
- hymd.input_parser.check_charges(config, charges, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Check if charges across ranks sum to zero.
- Parameters:
- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of floats with charges for
particles.- commmpi4py.Comm, optional
MPI communicator, defaults to
- hymd.input_parser.check_charges_types_list(config, types, charges, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Creates a list of charge values of length types. Charges are sorted according to type ID. Used in field.py. # TODO: this is messy, we should fix it
- hymd.input_parser.check_config(config, indices, names, types, charges, input_box, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Performs various checks on the specfied config to ensure consistency
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
- indices(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer indices for
particles.- names(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of string names for
particles.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer type indices for
particles.- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of floats charges for
particles.- commmpi4py.Comm, optional
MPI communicator, defaults to
- Returns:
- configConfig
Validated configuration object.
- hymd.input_parser.check_dielectric(config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Error handling for electrostatics. Unit testing of toml/tomli input.
- hymd.input_parser.check_start_and_target_temperature(config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Validate provided starting and target thermostat temperatures
Assesses the provided temperature target and ensures it is a non-negative floating point number or
. Ensures the starting temperature is a non-negative floating point number orFalse
.If the value for either is
, the returned configuration object has the values defaulted toFalse
in each case.- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
- Returns:
- validated_configConfig
Configuration object with validated
- hymd.input_parser.check_thermostat_coupling_groups(config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
4.9. Field
Forces and energies from the discretized particle-field grid interactions
- hymd.field.compute_field_and_kinetic_energy(phi, phi_q, psi, velocity, hamiltonian, positions, types, v_ext, config, layouts, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Compute the particle-field and kinetic energy contributions
Calculates the kinetic energy through
\[E_k = \sum_j \frac{1}{2}m_j\mathbf{v}_j\cdot\mathbf{v}_j,\]and the particle-field energy by
\[E_\text{field} = \int\mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}\, w[\tilde\phi],\]where \(w\) is the interaction energy functional density.
- Parameters:
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- velocity(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- v_extlist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle-field external potential values on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- configConfig
Configuration object.
- layoutslist[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each particle type. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Computes the up-to-date external potential for use in calculating the particle-field energy.
- hymd.field.compute_field_energy_q_GPE(config, phi_eps, field_q_energy, dot_elec, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Compute the electrostatic energy after electrosatic forces is calculated.
From the definition of the elecrostatic potential \(\Psi\), the energy is
- W = frac{1}{2}intmathrm{d}mathbf{r},
epsilon(mathbf{r})} left(mathbf{E}cdot mathbf{E}right),
where \(\epsilon(\mathbf{r})}\) is the anisotropic, spatially dependent, relative dielectric of the simulation medium.
- Parameters:
- confighymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
- phi_epspmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized relative dielectric values on the computational grid. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- field_q_energyfloat
Total elecrostatic energy.
- dot_elecpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing \(|\mathbf{E(r)}|^{2}\) on the computational grid. Local for each MPI rank – the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Compute the electrosatic force from an anisotropic dielectric general Poisson equation.
- hymd.field.compute_field_force(layouts, r, force_mesh, force, types, n_types)[source]
Interpolate particle-field forces from the grid onto particle positions
Backmaps the forces calculated on the grid to particle positions using the window function \(P\) (by default cloud-in-cell [CIC]). In the following, let \(\mathbf{F}_j\) denote the force acting on the particle with index \(j\) and position \(\mathbf{r}_j\). The interpolated force is
\[\mathbf{F}_j = -\sum_k\nabla V_{j_k} P(\mathbf{r}_{j_k}-\mathbf{r}_j)h^3,\]where \(V_{j_k}\) is the discretized external potential at grid vertex \(j_k\), \(\mathbf{r}_{j_k}\) is the position of the grid vertex with index \(j_k\), and \(h^3\) is the volume of each grid voxel. The sum is taken over all closest neighbour vertices, \(j_k\).
- Parameters:
- layoutslist[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each particle type. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- r(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- force_meshlist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle-field force density values on the computational grid;D
fields in D dimensions for each particle type. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- force(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of forces for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- n_typesint
Number of different unique types present in the simulation system.
is global, i.e. the same for all MPI ranks even if some ranks contain zero particles of certain types.
- hymd.field.compute_self_energy_q(config, charges, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Compute the self energy for the interaction due to the Ewald scheme used to compute the electrostatics. The energy is stored in
.The self interaction energy is given by:
\[U_{self} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{2\pi\sigma^2}} \sum_{i=1}^{N} q_i^2\]where \(q_i\) are the charges and \(\sigma\) is the half-width of the Gaussian filter.
- Parameters:
- configConfig
Configuration object.
- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank communication.
- Returns:
- field_q_self_energyfloat
Electrostatic self energy.
- hymd.field.domain_decomposition(positions, pm, *args, molecules=None, bonds=None, topol=False, verbose=0, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Performs domain decomposition
Rearranges the MPI rank memory layout into one that better mimics the PFFT pencil grid 2D decomposition. As molecules are always required to be fully contained on a single MPI rank, a perfect decomposition is not always possible. The best decomposition which leaves the center of mass of all molecules in their respective correct domains is used, with possible overlap into neighbouring domains if the spatial extent of any molecule crosses domain boundaries.
- Parameters:
- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- pmpmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
object interfacing to the CIC window function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.- *args
Variable length argument list containing arrays to include in the domain decomposition.
- molecules(N,) numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- bonds(N,M) numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of
bonds originating from each ofN
particles.- verboseint, optional
Specify the logging event verbosity of this function.
- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
- Returns:
- Domain decomposed
and any array specified in *args
, in addition tobonds
if these- arrays were provided as input.
- Domain decomposed
- hymd.field.initialize_pm(pmesh, config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Creates the necessary pmesh objects for pfft operations.
- Parameters:
- pmeshmodule ‘pmesh.pm’
- configConfig
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
- commMPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.
- Returns:
- pmobject ‘pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh’
- field_listlist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (multiple)
Essential list of pmesh objects required for MD
- list_coulomblist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (multiple)
Additional list of pmesh objects required for electrostatics.
- hymd.field.update_field(phi, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, layouts, force_mesh, hamiltonian, pm, positions, types, config, v_ext, phi_fourier, v_ext_fourier, m, compute_potential=False)[source]
Calculate the particle-field potential and force density
, the energy may subsequently be computed by callingcompute_field_and_kinetic_energy
.Computes the particle-field external potential \(V_\text{ext}\) from particle number densities through the smoothed density field, \(\phi(\mathbf{r})\). With \(P\) being the cloud-in-cell (CIC) window function, the density and filtered densities are computed as
\[\phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i P(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_i),\]and
\[\tilde\phi(\mathbf{r}) = \int\mathrm{x}\mathbf{r}\, \phi(\mathbf{x})H(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{x}),\]where \(H\) is the grid-independent filtering function. The external potential is computed in reciprocal space as
\[V_\text{ext} = \mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\left[ \mathrm{FFT} \left( \frac{\partial w}{\partial \tilde\phi} \right) \mathrm{FFT}(H) \right],\]where \(w\) is the interaction energy functional. Differentiating \(V_\text{ext}\) is done by simply applying \(i\mathbf{k}\) in Fourier space, and the resulting forces are back-transformed to direct space and interpolated to particle positions by
\[\mathbf{F}_j = -\sum_{j_k} \nabla V_{j_k} P(\mathbf{r}_{j_k} - \mathbf{r}_j)h^3,\]where \(j_k\) are the neighbouring vertices of particle \(j\) at position \(\mathbf{r}_j\), and \(h^3\) is the volume of each grid voxel.
- Parameters:
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_laplacianlist[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M, 3)
Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities.
- phi_transferlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (3,)
Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities.
- layoutslist[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each particle type. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- force_meshlist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle-field force density values on the computational grid;D
fields in D dimensions for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- pmpmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
object interfacing to the CIC window function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- configConfig
Configuration object.
- v_extlist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle-field external potential values on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_fourierlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- v_ext_fourierlist[pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
objects containing discretized particle-field external potential values in reciprocal space on the computational grid;D+1
fields in D dimensions for each particle type.D
copies are made after calculation for later use in force calculation, because the force transfer function application differentiates the field in-place, ruining the contents for differentiation in the remainingD-1
spatial directions. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- m: list[float], (M,)
pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh parameter for mass of particles in simulation unit. Defaults to 1.0 for all particle types.
- compute_potentialbool, optional
, aD+1
-th copy of the Fourier transformed external potential field is made to be used later in particle-field energy calculation. IfFalse
, onlyD
copies are made.
See also
Compute the particle-field energy after the external potential is calculated.
- hymd.field.update_field_force_q(charges, phi_q, phi_q_fourier, psi, psi_fourier, elec_field_fourier, elec_field, elec_forces, layout_q, hamiltonian, pm, positions, config)[source]
Calculate the electrostatic particle-field forces on the grid
Computes the electrostatic potential \(\Psi\) from particle charges through the smoothed charge density \(\tilde\rho\). With \(P\) being the cloud-in-cell (CIC) window function, the charge density and filtered charge densities are computed as
\[\rho(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i q_i P(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_i),\]and
\[\tilde\rho(\mathbf{r}) = \int\mathrm{x}\mathbf{r}\, \rho(\mathbf{x})H(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{x}),\]where \(H\) is the grid-independent filtering function. The electrostatic potential is computed in reciprocal space as
\[\Phi = \mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\left[ \frac{4\pi k_e}{\varepsilon \vert\mathbf{k}\vert^2} \mathrm{FFT}(\rho)\mathrm{FFT}(H) \right],\]with the electric field
\[\mathbf{E} = \mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\left[ -i\mathbf{k}\,\mathrm{FFT}(\Psi) \right].\]In the following, let \(\mathbf{F}_j\) denote the electrostatic force acting on the particle with index \(j\) and position \(\mathbf{r}_j\). The interpolated electrostatic force is
\[\mathbf{F}_j = \sum_k q_j\mathbf{E}_{j_k} P(\mathbf{r}_{j_k}-\mathbf{r}_j)h^3,\]where \(\mathbf{E}_{j_k}\) is the discretized electric field at grid vertex \(j_k\), \(\mathbf{r}_{j_k}\) is the position of the grid vertex with index \(j_k\), and \(h^3\) is the volume of each grid voxel. The sum is taken over all closest neighbour vertices, \(j_k\).
- Parameters:
- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- phi_qpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized charge density density values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_q_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing calculated discretized Fourier transformed charge density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- elec_field_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing calculated discretized electric field values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- elec_fieldpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized electric field values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- elec_forces(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of electrostatic forces on
particles inD
dimensions.- layout_qpmesh.domain.Layout
Pmesh communication layout object for domain decomposition of the full system. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- pmpmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
object interfacing to the CIC window function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- confighymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
- hymd.field.update_field_force_q_GPE(conv_fun, phi, types, charges, phi_q, phi_q_fourier, phi_eps, phi_eps_fourier, phi_eta, phi_eta_fourier, phi_pol_prev, phi_pol, elec_field, elec_forces, elec_field_contrib, psi, Vbar_elec, Vbar_elec_fourier, force_mesh_elec, force_mesh_elec_fourier, hamiltonian, layout_q, layouts, pm, positions, config, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Calculate the electrostatic particle-field forces on the grid, arising from a general Poisson equation, i.e. anisotropic permittivity/dielectric. The function is called when tomli input config.coulombtype = “PIC_Spectral_GPE.”
Computes the electrostatic potential \(\Psi\) from particle charges through the smoothed charge density \(\tilde\rho\). With \(P\) being the cloud-in-cell (CIC) window function, the charge density and filtered charge densities are computed as
\[\rho(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i q_i P(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{r}_i),\]and
\[\tilde\rho(\mathbf{r}) = \int\mathrm{x}\mathbf{r}\, \rho(\mathbf{x})H(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{x}),\]where \(H\) is the grid-independent filtering function. The electrostatic potential for a variable dielectric does not have an analytical expression, and is computed in reciprocal through an iterative method.
The GPE states that
\[\nabla \cdot \left(\epsilon(\mathbf{r}) \nabla{\mathbf{\psi(r)}}\right) = -\rho({\mathbf{r}}).\]where \(\epsilon(\mathbf{r})\) is the relative dielectric function.
- Parameters:
- conv_funConvergence function.
Returns a scalar. Depends on MPI allreduce for similar convergence across MPI ranks.
- philist[pmesh.pm.RealField]
objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for
particles. Local for each MPI rank.- phi_qpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized charge density density values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_q_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing calculated discretized Fourier transformed charge density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_epspmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized relative dielectric values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_eps_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing calculated discretized Fourier transformed relative dielectric values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_etapmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized gradients of the relative dielectric values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,but empty. Changed in-place.Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_eta_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing the calculated discretized Fourier transformed gradient relative dielectric values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_pol_prevpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized polarization charge values on the computational grid. Parameter in the iterative method.Pre-allocated,but empty. Changedin-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- phi_polpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized polarization charges on the computational grid. Parameter in the iterative method, updating the next quess in solving for the electrostatic potential. Pre-allocated,but empty. Changed in-place.Local for each MPI rank– the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- elec_fieldpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing calculated discretized electric field values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- elec_forces(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of electrostatic forces on
particles inD
dimensions.- elec_field_contribpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing \(|\mathbf{E(r)}|^2/\phi_{0}\) on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank– the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- psipmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing electrostatic potential on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank– the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- Vbar_elecmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing functional derivatives of :math:`|w({ phi })_{elec}`on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank– the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields ofall MPI ranks.
- Vbar_elec_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing the calculated functional derivatives of \(\|w(\{ \phi \})_{elec}\) in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- force_mesh_elecpmesh.pm.RealField
object for storing electrostatic force values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank– the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- force_mesh_elec_fourierpmesh.pm.ComplexField
object for storing the calculated electrostatic force values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Local for each MPI rank–the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.- hamiltonianHamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, \(H\).
- layout_qpmesh.domain.Layout
Pmesh communication layout object for domain decomposition of the full system. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- layouts: list[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each particle type. Used as blueprint by
for exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.- pmpmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
object interfacing to the CIC window function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.- positions(N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions. Local for each MPI rank.- confighymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
- comm: mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Compute the electrostatic energy after electrosatic force is calculated for a variable (anisotropic) dielectric general Poisson equation.
4.10. File input/output
Handle file input/output in parllel HDF5 fashion
- class hymd.file_io.OutDataset(dest_directory, config, double_out=False, disable_mpio=False, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
HDF5 dataset handler for file output
- hymd.file_io.distribute_input(in_file, rank, size, n_particles, max_molecule_size=201, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Assign global arrays onto MPI ranks, attempting load balancing
Distributes approximately equal numbers of particles (workload) onto each independent MPI rank, while respecting the requirement that any molecule must be fully contained on a single MPI rank only (no splitting molecules across multiple CPUs).
- Parameters:
- in_fileh5py.File
HDF5 input file object.
- rankint
Local rank number for this MPI rank.
- sizeint
Global size of the MPI communicator (number of total CPUs).
- n_particlesint
Total number of particles.
- max_molecule_sizeint, optional
Maximum size of any molecule present in the system. Used to initially guess where the MPI rank boundaries (start/end indices) in the global arrays should be placed. If molecules of size
exist in the simulation system, HyMD might work as expected. Or it might fail spectacularly.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
- Returns:
- rank_range
Starting and ending indices in the global arrays for each MPI rank.
- hymd.file_io.setup_time_dependent_element(name, parent_group, n_frames, shape, dtype, units=None)[source]
Helper function for setting up time-dependent HDF5 group datasets
All output groups must adhere to the H5MD standard, meaning a structure of
┗━ group particle group (e.g.all
) orobservables
group┗━ group time-dependent data┣━ datasetstep
┣━ datasettime
┗━ datasetvalue
shape=(n_frames, *)
is necessary.
- H5MD specification :
- hymd.file_io.store_data(h5md, step, frame, indices, positions, velocities, forces, box_size, temperature, pressure, kinetic_energy, bond2_energy, bond3_energy, bond4_energy, field_energy, field_q_energy, plumed_bias, time_step, config, velocity_out=False, force_out=False, charge_out=False, plumed_out=False, dump_per_particle=False, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Writes time-step data to HDF5 output file
Handles all quantities which change during simulation, as opposed to static quanitities (see
).- Parameters:
- h5mdOutDataset
HDF5 dataset handler.
- stepint
Step number.
- frameint
Output frame number (
step // n_print
).- indices(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of indices for
particles.- positions(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for
particles inD
dimensions.- velocities(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities for
particles inD
dimensions.- forces(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of forces for
particles inD
dimensions.- box_size(D,) numpy.ndarray
Array containing the simulation box size.
- temperaturefloat
Calculated instantaneous temperature.
- kinetic_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous kinetic energy.
- bond2_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous harmonic two-particle bond energy.
- bond3_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous harmonic angular three-particle bond energy.
- bond4_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous dihedral four-particle torsion energy.
- field_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous particle-field energy.
- field_q_energyfloat
Calculated instantaneous electrostatic energy.
- plumed_biasfloat
PLUMED instantaneous bias energy.
- time_stepfloat
Value of the time step.
- configConfig
Configuration object.
- velocity_outbool, optional
, velocities are written to output HDF5 file.- force_outbool, optional
, forces are written to output HDF5 file.- charge_outbool, optional
, electrostatic energies are written to the output HDF5 file.- plumed_outbool, optional
, PLUMED bias is written to the output HDF5 file.- dump_per_particlebool, optional
, all quantities are written per particle.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Outputs all static time-independent quantities to the HDF5 output file
- hymd.file_io.store_static(h5md, rank_range, names, types, indices, config, bonds_2_atom1, bonds_2_atom2, molecules=None, velocity_out=False, force_out=False, charges=False, dielectrics=False, plumed_out=False, comm=<mpi4py.MPI.Intracomm object>)[source]
Outputs all static time-independent quantities to the HDF5 output file
- Parameters:
- h5mdOutDataset
HDF5 dataset handler.
- rank_rangelist[int]
Start and end indices for global arrays for each MPI rank.
- names(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of names for
particles.- types(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for
particles.- indices(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of indices for
particles.- configConfig
Configuration object.
- bonds_2_atom1(B,) numpy.ndarray
Array of indices of the first particle for
total two-particle bonds.- bonds_2_atom2(B,) numpy.ndarray
Array of indices of the second particle for
total two-particle bonds.- molecules(N,) numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of
particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.- velocity_outbool, optional
, velocities are written to output HDF5 file.- force_outbool, optional
, forces are written to output HDF5 file.- charges(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for
particles.- dielectrics(N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle relative dielectric values for
particles.- plumed_outbool, optional
, PLUMED bias is written to output HDF5 file.- commmpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Constructs two-, three-, and four-particle bonds from toplogy input file and bond configuration information.
Distributes input arrays onto MPI ranks, attempting load balancing.