"""Forces and energies from the discretized particle-field grid interactions
import logging
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from .logger import Logger
import warnings
[docs]def initialize_pm(pmesh, config, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
Creates the necessary pmesh objects for pfft operations.
pmesh : module 'pmesh.pm'
config : Config
Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters.
comm : MPI.Intracomm, optional
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to
pm : object 'pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh'
field_list : list[pmesh.pm.RealField], (multiple)
Essential list of pmesh objects required for MD
list_coulomb : list[pmesh.pm.RealField], (multiple)
Additional list of pmesh objects required for electrostatics.
if config.dtype == np.float64:
pmeshtype = "f8"
pmeshtype = "f4"
# Ignore numpy numpy.VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from
# ragged nested sequences until it is fixed in pmesh
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message=r"Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences",
# The first argument of ParticleMesh has to be a tuple
pm = pmesh.ParticleMesh(
config.mesh_size, BoxSize=config.box_size, dtype=pmeshtype, comm=comm
phi = [pm.create("real", value=0.0) for _ in range(config.n_types)]
phi_fourier = [
pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(config.n_types)
] # noqa: E501
force_on_grid = [
[pm.create("real", value=0.0) for d in range(3)] for _ in range(config.n_types)
v_ext_fourier = [pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(4)]
v_ext = [pm.create("real", value=0.0) for _ in range(config.n_types)]
phi_transfer = [pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(3)]
phi_laplacian = [
[pm.create("real", value=0.0) for d in range(3)] for _ in range(config.n_types)
# Initialize charge density fields
coulomb_list = []
elec_common_list = [None, None, None, None]
_SPACE_DIM = config.box_size.size
if config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral_GPE" or config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral":
phi_q = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
phi_q_fourier = pm.create("complex", value=0.0)
psi = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
elec_field = [pm.create("real", value=0.0) for _ in range(_SPACE_DIM)]
elec_common_list = [phi_q, phi_q_fourier, psi, elec_field]
if config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral":
elec_field_fourier = [
pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(_SPACE_DIM)
] # for force calculation
psi_fourier = pm.create("complex", value=0.0)
coulomb_list = [
if (
config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral_GPE"
): ## initializing the density mesh #dielectric_flag
phi_eps = pm.create(
"real", value=0.0
) ## real contrib of the epsilon dielectric painted to grid
phi_eps_fourier = pm.create("complex", value=0.0) # complex contrib of phi eps
phi_eta = [
pm.create("real", value=0.0) for _ in range(_SPACE_DIM)
] ## real contrib of factor in polarization charge density
phi_eta_fourier = [
pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(_SPACE_DIM)
] ## fourier of factor in polarization charge density
phi_pol = pm.create(
"real", value=0.0
) ## real contrib of the polarization charge
phi_pol_prev = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
elec_dot = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
elec_field_contrib = pm.create(
"real", value=0.0
) # needed for pol energies later
# External potential and force meshes
Vbar_elec = [pm.create("real", value=0.0) for _ in range(config.n_types)]
Vbar_elec_fourier = [
pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for _ in range(config.n_types)
force_mesh_elec = [
[pm.create("real", value=0.0) for d in range(3)]
for _ in range(config.n_types)
force_mesh_elec_fourier = [
[pm.create("complex", value=0.0) for d in range(3)]
for _ in range(config.n_types)
coulomb_list = [
field_list = [
return (pm, field_list, elec_common_list, coulomb_list)
[docs]def compute_field_force(layouts, r, force_mesh, force, types, n_types):
"""Interpolate particle-field forces from the grid onto particle positions
Backmaps the forces calculated on the grid to particle positions using the
window function :math:`P` (by default cloud-in-cell [CIC]). In the
following, let :math:`\\mathbf{F}_j` denote the force acting on the
particle with index :math:`j` and position :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j`. The
interpolated force is
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}_j = -\\sum_k\\nabla V_{j_k}
where :math:`V_{j_k}` is the discretized external potential at grid vertex
:math:`j_k`, :math:`\\mathbf{r}_{j_k}` is the position of the grid vertex
with index :math:`j_k`, and :math:`h^3` is the volume of each grid voxel.
The sum is taken over all closest neighbour vertices, :math:`j_k`.
layouts : list[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each
particle type. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for
exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.
r : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
force_mesh : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle-field
force density values on the computational grid; :code:`D` fields in D
dimensions for each particle type. Local for each MPI rank--the full
computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI
force : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of forces for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. Local
for each MPI rank.
types : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
n_types : int
Number of different unique types present in the simulation system.
:code:`n_types` is global, i.e. the same for all MPI ranks even if some
ranks contain zero particles of certain types.
for t in range(n_types):
ind = types == t
for d in range(3):
force[ind, d] = force_mesh[t][d].readout(r[ind], layout=layouts[t])
[docs]def compute_self_energy_q(config, charges, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD):
"""Compute the self energy for the interaction due to the Ewald scheme
used to compute the electrostatics. The energy is stored in :code:`config`.
The self interaction energy is given by:
.. math::
U_{self} = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{2\\pi\\sigma^2}} \\sum_{i=1}^{N} q_i^2
where :math:`q_i` are the charges and :math:`\\sigma` is the half-width
of the Gaussian filter.
config : Config
Configuration object.
charges : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
comm : mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank communication.
field_q_self_energy : float
Electrostatic self energy.
elec_conversion_factor = config.coulomb_constant / config.dielectric_const
prefac = elec_conversion_factor * np.sqrt(
1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * config.sigma * config.sigma)
_squared_charges = charges * charges
squared_charges_sum = comm.allreduce(np.sum(_squared_charges))
return prefac * squared_charges_sum
[docs]def update_field_force_q(
"""Calculate the electrostatic particle-field forces on the grid
Computes the electrostatic potential :math:`\\Psi` from particle charges
through the smoothed charge density :math:`\\tilde\\rho`. With :math:`P`
being the cloud-in-cell (CIC) window function, the charge density and
filtered charge densities are computed as
.. math::
\\rho(\\mathbf{r}) = \\sum_i q_i P(\\mathbf{r}-\\mathbf{r}_i),
.. math::
\\tilde\\rho(\\mathbf{r}) = \\int\\mathrm{x}\\mathbf{r}\\,
where :math:`H` is the grid-independent filtering function. The
electrostatic potential is computed in reciprocal space as
.. math::
\\Phi = \\mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\\left[
\\frac{4\\pi k_e}{\\varepsilon \\vert\\mathbf{k}\\vert^2}
with the electric field
.. math::
\\mathbf{E} = \\mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\\left[
In the following, let :math:`\\mathbf{F}_j` denote the electrostatic force
acting on the particle with index :math:`j` and position
:math:`\\mathbf{r}_j`. The interpolated electrostatic force is
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}_j = \\sum_k q_j\\mathbf{E}_{j_k}
where :math:`\\mathbf{E}_{j_k}` is the discretized electric field at grid
vertex :math:`j_k`, :math:`\\mathbf{r}_{j_k}` is the position of the grid
vertex with index :math:`j_k`, and :math:`h^3` is the volume of each grid
voxel. The sum is taken over all closest neighbour vertices, :math:`j_k`.
charges : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
phi_q : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
charge density density values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,
but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_q_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing calculated discretized
Fourier transformed charge density values in reciprocal space on the
computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field
are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full
computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI
elec_field_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing calculated discretized
electric field values in reciprocal space on the computational grid.
Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded.
Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid
is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
elec_field : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
electric field values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,
but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
elec_forces : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of electrostatic forces on :code:`N` particles in :code:`D`
layout_q : pmesh.domain.Layout
Pmesh communication layout object for domain decomposition of the full
system. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.paint` and
:code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for exchange of particle information across
MPI ranks as necessary.
hamiltonian : Hamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the
grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`.
pm : pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
Pmesh :code:`ParticleMesh` object interfacing to the CIC window
function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.
positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
config : hymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
V = np.prod(config.box_size)
n_mesh_cells = np.prod(np.full(3, config.mesh_size))
volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh_cells
n_dimensions = config.box_size.size
elec_conversion_factor = config.coulomb_constant / config.dielectric_const
# charges to grid
pm.paint(positions, layout=layout_q, mass=charges, out=phi_q)
phi_q /= volume_per_cell
# print("phi_q", np.sum(phi_q))
# smear charges with filter
phi_q_fourier.apply(hamiltonian.H, out=phi_q_fourier)
# solve Poisson equation in Fourier space to get electrostatic potential
def poisson_transfer_function(k, v):
return 4.0 * np.pi * elec_conversion_factor * v / k.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)
phi_q_fourier.apply(poisson_transfer_function, out=psi_fourier)
# print("psi_fourier", np.sum(psi_fourier))
# print("phi_q * psi update_field", np.sum(phi_q * psi))
# exit()
# compute electric field directly from smeared charged densities in Fourier
for _d in np.arange(n_dimensions):
def poisson_transfer_function(k, v, d=_d):
return (
* k[d]
* 4.0
* np.pi
* elec_conversion_factor
* v
/ k.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)
phi_q_fourier.apply(poisson_transfer_function, out=elec_field_fourier[_d])
# get electrostatic force from electric field
for _d in np.arange(n_dimensions):
elec_forces[:, _d] = charges * (
elec_field[_d].readout(positions, layout=layout_q)
def comp_laplacian(
for t in range(config.n_types):
np.copyto(phi_transfer[0].value, phi_fourier[t].value, casting="no", where=True)
np.copyto(phi_transfer[1].value, phi_fourier[t].value, casting="no", where=True)
np.copyto(phi_transfer[2].value, phi_fourier[t].value, casting="no", where=True)
# Evaluate laplacian of phi in fourier space
for d in range(3):
def laplacian_transfer(k, v, d=d):
return -k[d] ** 2 * v
phi_transfer[d].apply(laplacian_transfer, out=Ellipsis)
[docs]def update_field(
"""Calculate the particle-field potential and force density
If :code:`compute_potential` is :code:`True`, the energy may subsequently
be computed by calling :code:`compute_field_and_kinetic_energy`.
Computes the particle-field external potential :math:`V_\\text{ext}` from
particle number densities through the smoothed density field,
:math:`\\phi(\\mathbf{r})`. With :math:`P` being the cloud-in-cell (CIC)
window function, the density and filtered densities are computed as
.. math::
\\phi(\\mathbf{r}) = \\sum_i P(\\mathbf{r}-\\mathbf{r}_i),
.. math::
\\tilde\\phi(\\mathbf{r}) = \\int\\mathrm{x}\\mathbf{r}\\,
where :math:`H` is the grid-independent filtering function. The
external potential is computed in reciprocal space as
.. math::
V_\\text{ext} = \\mathrm{FFT}^{-1}\\left[
\\frac{\\partial w}{\\partial \\tilde\\phi}
where :math:`w` is the interaction energy functional. Differentiating
:math:`V_\\text{ext}` is done by simply applying :math:`i\\mathbf{k}` in
Fourier space, and the resulting forces are back-transformed to direct
space and interpolated to particle positions by
.. math::
\\mathbf{F}_j = -\\sum_{j_k} \\nabla V_{j_k}
P(\\mathbf{r}_{j_k} - \\mathbf{r}_j)h^3,
where :math:`j_k` are the neighbouring vertices of particle :math:`j` at
position :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j`, and :math:`h^3` is the volume of each grid
phi : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number
density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type.
Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded.
Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid
is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_laplacian : list[pmesh.pm.RealField], (M, 3)
Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities.
phi_transfer : list[pmesh.pm.ComplexField], (3,)
Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations
to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities.
layouts : list[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each
particle type. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for
exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.
force_mesh : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle-field
force density values on the computational grid; :code:`D` fields in D
dimensions for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values
in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI
rank--the full computational grid is represented by the collective
fields of all MPI ranks.
hamiltonian : Hamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the
grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`.
pm : pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
Pmesh :code:`ParticleMesh` object interfacing to the CIC window
function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.
positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
types : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
config : Config
Configuration object.
v_ext : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle-field
external potential values on the computational grid; one for each
particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are
discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full
computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI
phi_fourier : list[pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` objects containing discretized particle
number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid;
one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in
this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the
full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all
MPI ranks.
v_ext_fourier : list[pmesh.pm.ComplexField]
Pmesh :code:`ComplesField` objects containing discretized
particle-field external potential values in reciprocal space on the
computational grid; :code:`D+1` fields in D dimensions for each
particle type. :code:`D` copies are made after calculation for later
use in force calculation, because the `force transfer function`
application differentiates the field in-place, ruining the contents
for differentiation in the remaining :code:`D-1` spatial directions.
Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded.
Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid
is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
m: list[float], (M,)
pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh parameter for mass of particles in simulation unit.
Defaults to 1.0 for all particle types.
compute_potential : bool, optional
If :code:`True`, a :code:`D+1`-th copy of the Fourier transformed
external potential field is made to be used later in particle-field
energy calculation. If :code:`False`, only :code:`D` copies are made.
See also
compute_field_and_kinetic_energy :
Compute the particle-field energy after the external potential is
V = np.prod(config.box_size)
n_mesh_cells = np.prod(np.full(3, config.mesh_size))
volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh_cells
for t in range(config.n_types):
pm.paint(positions[types == t], mass=m[t], layout=layouts[t], out=phi[t])
phi[t] /= volume_per_cell
phi_fourier[t].apply(hamiltonian.H, out=Ellipsis)
# External potential
for t in range(config.n_types):
v = hamiltonian.v_ext[t](phi)
v_ext_fourier[0].apply(hamiltonian.H, out=Ellipsis)
if compute_potential:
# Differentiate the external potential in fourier space
for d in range(3):
def force_transfer_function(k, v, d=d):
return -k[d] * 1j * v
v_ext_fourier[d].apply(force_transfer_function, out=Ellipsis)
if compute_potential:
[docs]def compute_field_and_kinetic_energy(
"""Compute the particle-field and kinetic energy contributions
Calculates the kinetic energy through
.. math::
E_k = \\sum_j \\frac{1}{2}m_j\\mathbf{v}_j\\cdot\\mathbf{v}_j,
and the particle-field energy by
.. math::
E_\\text{field} = \\int\\mathrm{d}\\mathbf{r}\\,
where :math:`w` is the interaction energy functional `density`.
phi : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number
density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
velocity : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of velocities for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
hamiltonian : Hamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the
grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`.
positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
types : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
v_ext : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle-field
external potential values on the computational grid; one for each
particle type. Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is
represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
config : Config
Configuration object.
layouts : list[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each
particle type. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for
exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.
comm : mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
update_field :
Computes the up-to-date external potential for use in calculating the
particle-field energy.
V = np.prod(config.box_size)
n_mesh__cells = np.prod(np.full(3, config.mesh_size))
volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh__cells
w_0 = hamiltonian.w_0(phi) * volume_per_cell
field_energy = w_0.csum() # w to W
kinetic_energy = comm.allreduce(0.5 * config.mass * np.sum(velocity**2))
if config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral":
w_elec = hamiltonian.w_elec([phi_q, psi]) * volume_per_cell
field_q_energy = w_elec.csum()
field_q_energy = 0.0
return field_energy, kinetic_energy, field_q_energy
[docs]def compute_field_energy_q_GPE(
Compute the electrostatic energy after electrosatic forces is
From the definition of the elecrostatic potential :math:`\\Psi`, the energy
W = \\frac{1}{2}\\int\\mathrm{d}\\mathbf{r}\\,
\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r})} \\left(\\mathbf{E}\\cdot \\mathbf{E}\\right),
where :math:`\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r})}` is the anisotropic, spatially dependent,
relative dielectric of the simulation medium.
config : hymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
phi_eps : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
relative dielectric values on the computational grid.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
field_q_energy : float
Total elecrostatic energy.
dot_elec : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing :math:`|\\mathbf{E(r)}|^{2}`
on the computational grid. Local for each MPI rank -- the full computational
grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
comm : mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Compute the electrosatic force from an anisotropic dielectric general
Poisson equation.
V = np.prod(config.box_size)
n_mesh__cells = np.prod(np.full(3, config.mesh_size))
volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh__cells
# ^ due to integration on local cell before allreduce
eps_0 = 1.0 / (config.coulomb_constant * 4 * np.pi)
field_q_energy = (
volume_per_cell * (0.5 * eps_0) * comm.allreduce(np.sum(phi_eps * dot_elec))
return field_q_energy
[docs]def update_field_force_q_GPE(
Calculate the electrostatic particle-field forces on the grid, arising from
a general Poisson equation, i.e. anisotropic permittivity/dielectric.
The function is called when tomli input config.coulombtype = "PIC_Spectral_GPE."
Computes the electrostatic potential :math:`\\Psi` from particle charges
through the smoothed charge density :math:`\\tilde\\rho`. With :math:`P`
being the cloud-in-cell (CIC) window function, the charge density and
filtered charge densities are computed as
.. math::
\\rho(\\mathbf{r}) = \\sum_i q_i P(\\mathbf{r}-\\mathbf{r}_i),
.. math::
\\tilde\\rho(\\mathbf{r}) = \\int\\mathrm{x}\\mathbf{r}\\,
where :math:`H` is the grid-independent filtering function. The
electrostatic potential for a variable dielectric does not have an
analytical expression, and is computed in reciprocal through an iterative
The GPE states that
.. math::
\\nabla \\cdot \\left(\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r})
\\nabla{\\mathbf{\\psi(r)}}\\right) = -\\rho({\\mathbf{r}}).
where :math:`\\epsilon(\\mathbf{r})` is the relative dielectric function.
conv_fun : Convergence function.
Returns a scalar. Depends on MPI allreduce for similar convergence
across MPI ranks.
phi : list[pmesh.pm.RealField]
Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number
density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
types : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
charges : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of particle charge values for :code:`N` particles. Local for each
MPI rank.
phi_q : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
charge density density values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,
but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_q_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing calculated discretized
Fourier transformed charge density values in reciprocal space on the
computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_eps : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
relative dielectric values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,
but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_eps_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing calculated discretized
Fourier transformed relative dielectric values in reciprocal space on the
computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented
by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_eta : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
gradients of the relative dielectric values on the computational grid.
Pre-allocated,but empty. Changed in-place.Local for each MPI rank--the
full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_eta_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing the calculated discretized
Fourier transformed gradient relative dielectric values in reciprocal space on the
computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented
by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_pol_prev : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
polarization charge values on the computational grid. Parameter in
the iterative method.Pre-allocated,but empty. Changedin-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented
by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
phi_pol : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
polarization charges on the computational grid. Parameter in the iterative
method, updating the next quess in solving for the electrostatic potential.
Pre-allocated,but empty. Changed in-place.Local for each MPI rank--
the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of
all MPI ranks.
elec_field : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing calculated discretized
electric field values on the computational grid. Pre-allocated,
but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full
computational grid is represented by the collective fields of all
MPI ranks.
elec_forces : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of electrostatic forces on :code:`N` particles in :code:`D`
elec_field_contrib : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing
:math:`|\\mathbf{E(r)}|^2/\\phi_{0}` on the computational grid.
Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank-- the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
psi : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing electrostatic potential
on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank-- the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
Vbar_elec : mesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing functional derivatives of
:math:`\\|w(\\{ \\phi \\})_{elec}`on the computational grid.
Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--
the full computational grid is represented by the collective fields of
all MPI ranks.
Vbar_elec_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing the calculated functional
derivatives of :math:`\\|w(\\{ \\phi \\})_{elec}` in reciprocal space on the
computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented
by the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
force_mesh_elec : pmesh.pm.RealField
Pmesh :code:`RealField` object for storing electrostatic force values
on the computational grid. Pre-allocated, but empty. Changed in-place.
Local for each MPI rank-- the full computational grid is represented by
the collective fields of all MPI ranks.
force_mesh_elec_fourier : pmesh.pm.ComplexField
Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` object for storing the calculated electrostatic
force values in reciprocal space on the computational grid. Local for
each MPI rank--the full computational grid is represented by the collective
fields of all MPI ranks.
hamiltonian : Hamiltonian
Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the
grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`.
layout_q : pmesh.domain.Layout
Pmesh communication layout object for domain decomposition of the full
system. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.paint` and
:code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for exchange of particle information across
MPI ranks as necessary.
layouts: list[pmesh.domain.Layout]
Pmesh communication layout objects for domain decompositions of each
particle type. Used as blueprint by :code:`pmesh.pm.readout` for
exchange of particle information across MPI ranks as necessary.
pm : pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
Pmesh :code:`ParticleMesh` object interfacing to the CIC window
function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.
positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
config : hymd.input_parser.Config
Configuration object.
comm: mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
See also
Compute the electrostatic energy after electrosatic force is
calculated for a variable (anisotropic) dielectric general Poisson equation.
## basic setup
V = np.prod(config.box_size)
n_mesh_cells = np.prod(np.full(3, config.mesh_size))
volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh_cells
## old protocol in gen_qe_hpf_use_self
pm.paint(positions, layout=layout_q, mass=charges, out=phi_q) ##
## scale and fft
## old protocol in gen_qe_hpf_use_self
phi_q /= volume_per_cell
phi_q_fourier.apply(hamiltonian.H, out=phi_q_fourier)
## ^------ use the same gaussian as the \kai interaciton
phi_q_fourier.c2r(out=phi_q) ## this phi_q is after applying the smearing function
denom_phi_tot = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
num_types = pm.create("real", value=0.0)
### ^ ----- Calculate the relative dielectric (permittivity) to field
### ------- from a mean contribution of particle number densities
for t_ in range(config.n_types):
num_types = num_types + (config.dielectric_type[t_]) * phi[t_]
denom_phi_tot = denom_phi_tot + phi[t_]
np.divide(num_types, denom_phi_tot, where=np.abs(denom_phi_tot > 1e-6), out=phi_eps)
phi_eps.r2c(out=phi_eps_fourier) # FFT dielectric
# phi_q_eps = (phi_q/phi_eps)
np.divide(phi_q, phi_eps, where=np.abs(phi_eps > 1e-6), out=phi_q)
##^--------- constants needed throughout the calculations
### method for finding the gradient (fourier space), using the spatial dimension of k
for _d in np.arange(_SPACE_DIM):
def gradient_transfer_function(k, x, d=_d):
return 1j * k[d] * x
phi_eps_fourier.apply(gradient_transfer_function, out=phi_eta_fourier[_d])
np.divide(phi_eta[_d], phi_eps, where=np.abs(phi_eps > 1e-6), out=phi_eta[_d])
### iterative GPE solver ###
### ----------------------------------------------
max_iter = 100
i = 0
delta = 1.0
# phi_pol_prev = pm.create("real", value = 0.0)
### ^------ set to zero before each iterative procedure or soft start
conv_criteria = config.conv_crit # conv. criteria (default 1e-6)
w = config.pol_mixing # polarization mixing param (default 0.6)
while i < max_iter and delta > conv_criteria:
(phi_q + phi_pol_prev).r2c(out=phi_q_fourier)
for _d in np.arange(_SPACE_DIM):
def iterate_apply_k_vec(k, additive_terms, d=_d):
return additive_terms * (-1j * k[d]) / k.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)
phi_q_fourier.apply(iterate_apply_k_vec, out=phi_eta_fourier[_d])
phi_pol = -(
phi_eta[0] * elec_field[0]
+ phi_eta[1] * elec_field[1]
+ phi_eta[2] * elec_field[2]
### ^-- Following a negative sign convention (-ik) of the FT, a neg sign is
### --- mathematically correct by the definition of the GPE (double - -> +)
phi_pol = w * phi_pol + (1.0 - w) * phi_pol_prev
diff = np.abs(phi_pol - phi_pol_prev)
delta = conv_fun(comm, diff) # decided from toml input
phi_pol_prev = phi_pol.copy()
i = i + 1
# print("Stopping after iteration {:d} with stop crit {:.2e}, delta {:.2e}".format(i,conv_criteria,delta))
# compute_potential = True
def k_norm_divide(k, potential):
return potential / k.normp(p=2, zeromode=1)
## > Electrostatic potential
eps0_inv = config.coulomb_constant * 4 * np.pi
## ^ the 1/(4pi eps0)*4*pi = 1/eps0
((eps0_inv) * (phi_q + phi_pol)).r2c(out=phi_q_fourier)
phi_q_fourier.apply(k_norm_divide, out=phi_q_fourier)
### ^ electrostatic potential for the GPE
for _d in np.arange(_SPACE_DIM):
def field_transfer_function(k, x, d=_d):
return (
-1j * k[d] * x
) ## negative sign relation, due to E = - nabla psi relation
phi_q_fourier.apply(field_transfer_function, out=phi_eta_fourier[_d])
## ^-------- Method: Obtaining the electric field from electrostatic potential
## Assuming the electric field is conserved.
## Assumption holds if no magnetic flux (magnetic induced fields)
############## Obtain forces ##############
elec_dot = (
elec_field[0] * elec_field[0]
+ elec_field[1] * elec_field[1]
+ elec_field[2] * elec_field[2]
# needed for energy calculations
where=np.abs(denom_phi_tot > 1e-6),
eps0_inv = config.coulomb_constant * 4 * np.pi
for t_ in range(config.n_types):
Vbar_elec[t_] = (
config.type_charges[t_] * psi
- (0.5 / eps0_inv)
* (config.dielectric_type[t_] - phi_eps)
* elec_field_contrib
# Obtain Vext,k
for t_ in range(config.n_types):
Vbar_elec_fourier[t_].apply(hamiltonian.H, out=Vbar_elec_fourier[t_])
# force terms
# F = - grad Vext
for t_ in range(config.n_types):
for _d in np.arange(_SPACE_DIM):
def force_transfer_function(k, x, d=_d):
return -1j * k[_d] * x ## negative gradient
force_transfer_function, out=force_mesh_elec_fourier[t_][_d]
elec_forces[types == t_, _d] = force_mesh_elec[t_][_d].readout(
positions[types == t_], layout=layouts[t_]
return Vbar_elec, phi_eps, elec_dot
[docs]def domain_decomposition(
positions, pm, *args, molecules=None, bonds=None, topol=False, verbose=0, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD
"""Performs domain decomposition
Rearranges the MPI rank memory layout into one that better mimics the PFFT
pencil grid 2D decomposition. As molecules are always required to be fully
contained on a single MPI rank, a perfect decomposition is not always
possible. The best decomposition which leaves the center of mass of all
molecules in their respective correct domains is used, with possible
overlap into neighbouring domains if the spatial extent of any molecule
crosses domain boundaries.
positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray
Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions.
Local for each MPI rank.
pm : pmesh.pm.ParticleMesh
Pmesh :code:`ParticleMesh` object interfacing to the CIC window
function and the PFFT discrete Fourier transform library.
Variable length argument list containing arrays to include in the
domain decomposition.
molecules : (N,) numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of :code:`N` particles.
Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank
only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.
bonds : (N,M) numpy.ndarray, optional
Array of :code:`M` bonds originating from each of :code:`N` particles.
verbose : int, optional
Specify the logging event verbosity of this function.
comm : mpi4py.Comm
MPI communicator to use for rank commuication.
Domain decomposed :code:`positions` and any array specified in
:code:`*args`, in addition to :code:`bonds` and :code:`molecules` if these
arrays were provided as input.
if molecules is not None:
if not topol:
assert bonds is not None, "bonds must be provided with molecules"
unique_molecules = np.sort(np.unique(molecules))
molecules_com = np.empty_like(positions)
for m in unique_molecules:
ind = molecules == m
r = positions[ind, :][0, :]
molecules_com[ind, :] = r
layout = pm.decompose(molecules_com, smoothing=0)
if not topol:
args = (*args, bonds, molecules)
args = (*args, molecules)
layout = pm.decompose(positions, smoothing=0)
if verbose > 1:
"DOMAIN_DECOMP: Total number of particles to be exchanged = %d",
return layout.exchange(positions, *args)