Source code for hymd.file_io

"""Handle file input/output in parllel HDF5 fashion
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import logging
import getpass
from mpi4py import MPI
from .logger import Logger, get_version

[docs]class OutDataset: """HDF5 dataset handler for file output""" def __init__( self, dest_directory, config, double_out=False, disable_mpio=False, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """Constructor Parameters ---------- dest_directory : str Ouput directory for saving data. config : Config Configuration object. double_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, the output HDF5 objects are written in eight byte floating point representation. Otherwise, four byte single precision is used. disable_mpio : bool, optional If :code:`True`, disables parallel MPI-enabled HDF5 file output. This is a compatibility option used if HDF5 is not compiled with MPI support. This makes everything much harder by splitting all output in one file per MPI rank, and having an MPI-enabled HDF5 library is **highly recommended**. comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. """ self.disable_mpio = disable_mpio self.config = config if double_out: self.float_dtype = "float64" else: self.float_dtype = "float32" if disable_mpio: self.file = h5py.File( os.path.join( dest_directory, f"sim.hdf5-{comm.rank:6d}-of-{comm.size:6d}" ), "w", ) else: self.file = h5py.File( os.path.join(dest_directory, "sim.H5"), "w", driver="mpio", comm=comm )
[docs] def is_open(self, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """Check if HDF5 output file is open Parameters ---------- comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank communication. """ comm.Barrier() return self.file.__bool__()
[docs] def close_file(self, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD): """Closes the HDF5 output file Parameters ---------- comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank communication. """ comm.Barrier() self.file.close()
[docs] def flush(self): """Flushes output buffers, forcing file writes""" self.file.flush()
[docs]def setup_time_dependent_element( name, parent_group, n_frames, shape, dtype, units=None ): """Helper function for setting up time-dependent HDF5 group datasets All output groups must adhere to the H5MD standard, meaning a structure of | ┗━ **group** particle group (e.g. :code:`all`) or :code:`observables` group | ┗━ **group** time-dependent data | ┣━ **dataset** :code:`step` :code:`shape=(n_frames,)` | ┣━ **dataset** :code:`time` :code:`shape=(n_frames,)` | ┗━ **dataset** :code:`value` :code:`shape=(n_frames, *)` is necessary. References ---------- H5MD specification : """ # noqa: E501 group = parent_group.create_group(name) step = group.create_dataset("step", (n_frames,), "int32") time = group.create_dataset("time", (n_frames,), "float32") value = group.create_dataset("value", (n_frames, *shape), dtype) if units is not None: value.attrs["unit"] = units time.attrs["unit"] = "ps" return group, step, time, value
[docs]def store_static( h5md, rank_range, names, types, indices, config, bonds_2_atom1, bonds_2_atom2, molecules=None, velocity_out=False, force_out=False, charges=False, dielectrics=False, plumed_out=False, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """Outputs all static time-independent quantities to the HDF5 output file Parameters ---------- h5md : OutDataset HDF5 dataset handler. rank_range : list[int] Start and end indices for global arrays for each MPI rank. names : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of names for :code:`N` particles. types : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of type indices for :code:`N` particles. indices : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of indices for :code:`N` particles. config : Config Configuration object. bonds_2_atom1 : (B,) numpy.ndarray Array of indices of the first particle for :code:`B` total two-particle bonds. bonds_2_atom2 : (B,) numpy.ndarray Array of indices of the second particle for :code:`B` total two-particle bonds. molecules : (N,) numpy.ndarray, optional Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of :code:`N` particles. Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only) may be used, both, without affecting the result. velocity_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, velocities are written to output HDF5 file. force_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, forces are written to output HDF5 file. charges : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of particle charge values for :code:`N` particles. dielectrics : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of particle relative dielectric values for :code:`N` particles. plumed_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, PLUMED bias is written to output HDF5 file. comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. See also -------- prepare_bonds : Constructs two-, three-, and four-particle bonds from toplogy input file and bond configuration information. distribute_input : Distributes input arrays onto MPI ranks, attempting load balancing. """ dtype = h5md.float_dtype h5md_group = h5md.file.create_group("/h5md") h5md.h5md_group = h5md_group h5md.observables = h5md.file.create_group("/observables") h5md.connectivity = h5md.file.create_group("/connectivity") h5md.parameters = h5md.file.create_group("/parameters") h5md_group.attrs["version"] = np.array([1, 1], dtype=int) author_group = h5md_group.create_group("author") author_group.attrs["name"] = np.string_(getpass.getuser()) creator_group = h5md_group.create_group("creator") creator_group.attrs["name"] = np.string_("Hylleraas MD") # Get HyMD version creator_group.attrs["version"] = np.string_(get_version()) h5md.particles_group = h5md.file.create_group("/particles") h5md.all_particles = h5md.particles_group.create_group("all") mass = h5md.all_particles.create_dataset("mass", (config.n_particles,), dtype) mass[...] = config.mass if charges is not False: charge = h5md.all_particles.create_dataset( "charge", (config.n_particles,), dtype="float32" ) charge[indices] = charges if dielectrics is not False: dielectric = h5md.all_particles.create_dataset( "dielectric", (config.n_particles,), dtype="float32" ) dielectric[indices] = dielectrics box = h5md.all_particles.create_group("box") box.attrs["dimension"] = 3 box.attrs["boundary"] = np.array( [np.string_(s) for s in 3 * ["periodic"]], dtype="S8" ) n_frames = config.n_steps // config.n_print if np.mod(config.n_steps - 1, config.n_print) != 0: n_frames += 1 if np.mod(config.n_steps, config.n_print) == 1: n_frames += 1 if n_frames == config.n_steps: n_frames += 1 species = h5md.all_particles.create_dataset( "species", (config.n_particles,), dtype="i", ) ( _, h5md.positions_step, h5md.positions_time, h5md.positions, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "position", h5md.all_particles, n_frames, (config.n_particles, 3), dtype, units="nm", ) if velocity_out: ( _, h5md.velocities_step, h5md.velocities_time, h5md.velocities, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "velocity", h5md.all_particles, n_frames, (config.n_particles, 3), dtype, units="nm ps-1", ) if force_out: ( _, h5md.forces_step, h5md.forces_time, h5md.forces, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "force", h5md.all_particles, n_frames, (config.n_particles, 3), dtype, units="kJ mol-1 nm-1", ) ( _, h5md.total_energy_step, h5md.total_energy_time, h5md.total_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "total_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.kinetc_energy_step, h5md.kinetc_energy_time, h5md.kinetc_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "kinetic_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.potential_energy_step, h5md.potential_energy_time, h5md.potential_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "potential_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.bond_energy_step, h5md.bond_energy_time, h5md.bond_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "bond_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.angle_energy_step, h5md.angle_energy_time, h5md.angle_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "angle_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.dihedral_energy_step, h5md.dihedral_energy_time, h5md.dihedral_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "dihedral_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.field_energy_step, h5md.field_energy_time, h5md.field_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "field_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) if charges is not False: ( _, h5md.field_q_energy_step, h5md.field_q_energy_time, h5md.field_q_energy, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "field_q_energy", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) # <-------- xinmeng if plumed_out is not False: ( _, h5md.plumed_bias_step, h5md.plumed_bias_time, h5md.plumed_bias, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "plumed_bias", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), dtype, units="kJ mol-1" # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.total_momentum_step, h5md.total_momentum_time, h5md.total_momentum, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( # noqa: E501 "total_momentum", h5md.observables, n_frames, (3,), dtype, units="nm g ps-1 mol-1", ) ( _, h5md.angular_momentum_step, h5md.angular_momentum_time, h5md.angular_momentum, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( # noqa: E501 "angular_momentum", h5md.observables, n_frames, (3,), dtype, units="nm+2 g ps-1 mol-1", ) ( _, h5md.torque_step, h5md.torque_time, h5md.torque, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( # noqa: E501 "torque", h5md.observables, n_frames, (3,), dtype, units="kJ nm+2 mol-1", ) ( _, h5md.temperature_step, h5md.temperature_time, h5md.temperature, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "temperature", h5md.observables, n_frames, (3,), dtype, units="K" ) ( _, h5md.thermostat_work_step, h5md.thermostat_work_time, h5md.thermostat_work, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "thermostat_work", h5md.observables, n_frames, (1,), "float32", units="kJ mol-1", # noqa: E501 ) ( _, h5md.pressure_step, h5md.pressure_time, h5md.pressure, ) = setup_time_dependent_element( "pressure", h5md.observables, n_frames, (18,), "float32", units="Bar" ) (_, h5md.box_step, h5md.box_time, h5md.box_value,) = setup_time_dependent_element( "edges", box, n_frames, (3, 3), "float32", units="nm" ) ind_sort = np.argsort(indices) for i in ind_sort: species[indices[i]] = config.name_to_type_map[names[i].decode("utf-8")] h5md.parameters.attrs["config.toml"] = np.string_(str(config)) vmd_group = h5md.parameters.create_group("vmd_structure") index_of_species = vmd_group.create_dataset( "indexOfSpecies", (config.n_types,), "i" ) index_of_species[:] = np.array(list(range(config.n_types))) # VMD-h5mdplugin maximum name/type name length is 16 characters (for # whatever reason [VMD internals?]). name_dataset = vmd_group.create_dataset("name", (config.n_types,), "S16") type_dataset = vmd_group.create_dataset("type", (config.n_types,), "S16") if molecules is not None: resid_dataset = vmd_group.create_dataset( "resid", (config.n_particles,), "i", ) # Change this for i, n in config.type_to_name_map.items(): name_dataset[i] = np.string_(n[:16]) if n == "W": type_dataset[i] = np.string_("solvent") else: type_dataset[i] = np.string_("membrane") total_bonds = comm.allreduce(len(bonds_2_atom1), MPI.SUM) n_bonds_local = len(bonds_2_atom1) receive_buffer = comm.gather(n_bonds_local, root=0) n_bonds_global = None if comm.Get_rank() == 0: n_bonds_global = receive_buffer n_bonds_global = np.array(comm.bcast(n_bonds_global, root=0)) rank_bond_start = np.sum(n_bonds_global[: comm.Get_rank()]) bonds_from = vmd_group.create_dataset("bond_from", (total_bonds,), "i") bonds_to = vmd_group.create_dataset("bond_to", (total_bonds,), "i") for i in range(n_bonds_local): a = bonds_2_atom1[i] b = bonds_2_atom2[i] bonds_from[rank_bond_start + i] = indices[a] + 1 bonds_to[rank_bond_start + i] = indices[b] + 1 if molecules is not None: resid_dataset[indices[ind_sort]] = molecules
# store data old vs """ h5md, step, frame, indices, positions, velocities, forces, box_size, temperature, kinetic_energy, bond2_energy, bond3_energy, bond4_energy, field_energy, field_q_energy, time_step, config, velocity_out=False, force_out=False, charge_out=False, dump_per_particle=False, """
[docs]def store_data( h5md, step, frame, indices, positions, velocities, forces, box_size, temperature, pressure, kinetic_energy, bond2_energy, bond3_energy, bond4_energy, field_energy, field_q_energy, plumed_bias, time_step, config, velocity_out=False, force_out=False, charge_out=False, plumed_out=False, dump_per_particle=False, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """Writes time-step data to HDF5 output file Handles all quantities which change during simulation, as opposed to static quanitities (see :code:`store_static`). Parameters ---------- h5md : OutDataset HDF5 dataset handler. step : int Step number. frame : int Output frame number (:code:`step // n_print`). indices : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of indices for :code:`N` particles. positions : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. velocities : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of velocities for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. forces : (N,) numpy.ndarray Array of forces for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. box_size : (D,) numpy.ndarray Array containing the simulation box size. temperature : float Calculated instantaneous temperature. kinetic_energy : float Calculated instantaneous kinetic energy. bond2_energy : float Calculated instantaneous harmonic two-particle bond energy. bond3_energy : float Calculated instantaneous harmonic angular three-particle bond energy. bond4_energy : float Calculated instantaneous dihedral four-particle torsion energy. field_energy : float Calculated instantaneous particle-field energy. field_q_energy : float Calculated instantaneous electrostatic energy. plumed_bias : float PLUMED instantaneous bias energy. time_step : float Value of the time step. config : Config Configuration object. velocity_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, velocities are written to output HDF5 file. force_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, forces are written to output HDF5 file. charge_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, electrostatic energies are written to the output HDF5 file. plumed_out : bool, optional If :code:`True`, PLUMED bias is written to the output HDF5 file. dump_per_particle : bool, optional If :code:`True`, all quantities are written **per particle**. comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. See also -------- store_static : Outputs all static time-independent quantities to the HDF5 output file """ for dset in ( h5md.positions_step, h5md.total_energy_step, h5md.potential_energy_step, h5md.kinetc_energy_step, h5md.bond_energy_step, h5md.angle_energy_step, h5md.dihedral_energy_step, h5md.field_energy_step, h5md.total_momentum_step, h5md.angular_momentum_step, h5md.torque_step, h5md.temperature_step, h5md.pressure_step, h5md.box_step, h5md.thermostat_work_step, ): dset[frame] = step for dset in ( h5md.positions_time, h5md.total_energy_time, h5md.potential_energy_time, h5md.kinetc_energy_time, h5md.bond_energy_time, h5md.angle_energy_time, h5md.dihedral_energy_time, h5md.field_energy_time, h5md.total_momentum_time, h5md.angular_momentum_time, h5md.torque_time, h5md.temperature_time, h5md.pressure_time, h5md.box_time, h5md.thermostat_work_time, ): dset[frame] = step * time_step if velocity_out: h5md.velocities_step[frame] = step h5md.velocities_time[frame] = step * time_step if force_out: h5md.forces_step[frame] = step h5md.forces_time[frame] = step * time_step if charge_out: h5md.field_q_energy_step[frame] = step h5md.field_q_energy_time[frame] = step * time_step if plumed_out: h5md.plumed_bias_step[frame] = step h5md.plumed_bias_time[frame] = step * time_step ind_sort = np.argsort(indices) h5md.positions[frame, indices[ind_sort]] = positions[ind_sort] if velocity_out: h5md.velocities[frame, indices[ind_sort]] = velocities[ind_sort] if force_out: h5md.forces[frame, indices[ind_sort]] = forces[ind_sort] if charge_out: h5md.field_q_energy[frame] = field_q_energy if plumed_out: h5md.plumed_bias[frame] = plumed_bias potential_energy = ( bond2_energy + bond3_energy + bond4_energy + field_energy + field_q_energy ) total_momentum = config.mass * comm.allreduce(np.sum(velocities, axis=0), MPI.SUM) angular_momentum = config.mass * comm.allreduce( np.sum(np.cross(positions, velocities), axis=0), MPI.SUM ) torque = config.mass * comm.allreduce( np.sum(np.cross(positions, forces), axis=0), MPI.SUM ) h5md.total_energy[frame] = kinetic_energy + potential_energy h5md.potential_energy[frame] = potential_energy h5md.kinetc_energy[frame] = kinetic_energy h5md.bond_energy[frame] = bond2_energy h5md.angle_energy[frame] = bond3_energy h5md.dihedral_energy[frame] = bond4_energy h5md.field_energy[frame] = field_energy h5md.total_momentum[frame, :] = total_momentum h5md.angular_momentum[frame, :] = angular_momentum h5md.torque[frame, :] = torque h5md.temperature[frame] = temperature h5md.pressure[frame] = pressure for d in range(3): h5md.box_value[frame, d, d] = box_size[d] h5md.thermostat_work[frame] = config.thermostat_work fmt_ = [ "step", "time", "temp", "tot E", "kin E", "pot E", "field E", "elec E", "bond E", "ang E", "dih E", "bias E", "Px", "Py", "Pz", "ΔH" if config.target_temperature else "ΔE", ] fmt_ = np.array(fmt_) # create mask to show only energies != 0 en_array = np.array([ field_energy, field_q_energy, bond2_energy, bond3_energy, bond4_energy, plumed_bias, ]) mask = np.full_like(fmt_, True, dtype=bool) mask[range(6,12)] = en_array != 0. header_ = fmt_[mask].shape[0] * "{:>13}" if config.initial_energy is None: fmt_[-1] = "" divide_by = 1.0 if dump_per_particle: for i in range(3, 9): fmt_[i] = fmt_[i][:-2] + "E/N" fmt_[-1] += "/N" divide_by = config.n_particles total_energy = kinetic_energy + potential_energy if config.initial_energy is not None: if config.target_temperature: H_tilde = total_energy - config.initial_energy - config.thermostat_work else: H_tilde = total_energy - config.initial_energy else: H_tilde = 0.0 header = header_.format(*fmt_[mask]) data_fmt = f'{"{:13}"}{(fmt_[mask].shape[0]-1) * "{:13.5g}" }' all_data = [ step, time_step * step, temperature, total_energy / divide_by, kinetic_energy / divide_by, potential_energy / divide_by, field_energy / divide_by, field_q_energy / divide_by, bond2_energy / divide_by, bond3_energy / divide_by, bond4_energy / divide_by, plumed_bias / divide_by, total_momentum[0] / divide_by, total_momentum[1] / divide_by, total_momentum[2] / divide_by, H_tilde / divide_by, ] data = data_fmt.format(*[val for i, val in enumerate(all_data) if mask[i]]) Logger.rank0.log(logging.INFO, ("\n" + header + "\n" + data))
[docs]def distribute_input( in_file, rank, size, n_particles, max_molecule_size=201, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD ): """Assign global arrays onto MPI ranks, attempting load balancing Distributes approximately equal numbers of particles (workload) onto each independent MPI rank, while respecting the requirement that any molecule must be fully contained on a single MPI rank only (no splitting molecules across multiple CPUs). Parameters ---------- in_file : h5py.File HDF5 input file object. rank : int Local rank number for this MPI rank. size : int Global size of the MPI communicator (number of total CPUs). n_particles : int Total number of particles. max_molecule_size : int, optional Maximum size of any molecule present in the system. Used to initially guess where the MPI rank boundaries (start/end indices) in the global arrays should be placed. If molecules of size :code:`>max_molecule_size` exist in the simulation system, HyMD **might** work as expected. Or it might fail spectacularly. comm : mpi4py.Comm MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Returns ------- rank_range : Starting and ending indices in the global arrays for each MPI rank. """ if n_particles is None: n_particles = len(in_file["indices"]) np_per_MPI = n_particles // size molecules_flag = False if "molecules" in in_file: molecules_flag = True if not molecules_flag: if rank == size - 1: np_cum_mpi = [rank * np_per_MPI, n_particles] else: np_cum_mpi = [rank * np_per_MPI, (rank + 1) * np_per_MPI] p_mpi_range = list(range(np_cum_mpi[0], np_cum_mpi[1])) return p_mpi_range, molecules_flag # To avoid splitting molecules across multiple different ranks, we need # to read in some extra indices before/after the expected break points # and iterate until we find a molecule break. # # Implicitly assuming no molecule is bigger than # min(max_molecule_size, n_particles // n_MPI_ranks) atoms. max_molecule_size += 2 grab_extra = max_molecule_size if np_per_MPI > max_molecule_size else np_per_MPI if rank == 0: mpi_range_start = 0 if size == 1: mpi_range_end = n_particles else: mpi_range_end = (rank + 1) * np_per_MPI + grab_extra elif rank == size - 1: mpi_range_start = rank * np_per_MPI - 1 mpi_range_end = n_particles else: mpi_range_start = rank * np_per_MPI - 1 mpi_range_end = (rank + 1) * np_per_MPI + grab_extra molecules = in_file["molecules"][mpi_range_start:mpi_range_end] indices = in_file["indices"][mpi_range_start:mpi_range_end] molecule_end_indices = np.nonzero(np.diff(molecules))[0] p_mpi_range = [None, None] if rank == 0: p_mpi_range[0] = 0 if size == 1: p_mpi_range[1] = n_particles else: p_mpi_range[1] = indices[ molecule_end_indices[molecule_end_indices >= np_per_MPI][0] + 1 ] elif rank == size - 1: p_mpi_range[0] = indices[molecule_end_indices[molecule_end_indices > 0][0]] + 1 p_mpi_range[1] = n_particles else: p_mpi_range[0] = indices[molecule_end_indices[molecule_end_indices > 0][0]] + 1 p_mpi_range[1] = ( indices[molecule_end_indices[molecule_end_indices > np_per_MPI][0]] + 1 # noqa: E501 ) return list(range(p_mpi_range[0], p_mpi_range[1])), molecules_flag