"""Calculates intramolecular forces between bonded particles in molecules
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from dataclasses import dataclass
# Imported here so we can call from force import compute_bond_forces__fortran
from force_kernels import cbf as compute_bond_forces__fortran # noqa: F401
from force_kernels import ( # noqa: F401
caf as compute_angle_forces__fortran,
from force_kernels import ( # noqa: F401
cdf as compute_dihedral_forces__fortran,
from force_kernels import ( # noqa: F401
cbf_d as compute_bond_forces__fortran__double,
from force_kernels import ( # noqa: F401
caf_d as compute_angle_forces__fortran__double,
from force_kernels import ( # noqa: F401
cdf_d as compute_dihedral_forces__fortran__double,
[docs]@dataclass # might not be needed
class Dielectric_type:
atom_1: str
dielectric_value: float
class Bond:
"""Dataclass representing a single two-particle bond type
A `bond type` is a bond strength and equilibrium distance associated with
any bond between particles of specific types :code:`A` and :code:`B`
(where :code:`A` and :code:`B` may be the same or different). Harmonic
two-particle bonds in HyMD take the form
.. math::
V_2(\\mathbf{r}_1, \\mathbf{r}_2) =
\\vert \\mathbf{r}_1 - \\mathbf{r}_2 \\vert - r_0
where :math:`k` is the bond strength (spring constant) and :math:`r_0` is
the equilibrium bond length (at which the energy is zero).
atom_1 : str
Type name of particle 1.
atom_2 : str
Type name of particle 2.
equilibrium : float
Equilibrium distance at which the energy associated with the bond
vanishes and the resulting force is zero.
strength : float
Harmonic bond strength coefficient (spring constant).
atom_1: str
atom_2: str
equilibrium: float
strength: float
class Angle(Bond):
"""Dataclass representing a single three-particle bond type
A `bond type` is a bond strength and equilibrium angle associated with
any three-particle bond between particles of specific types :code:`A`,
:code:`B`, and :code:`C` (where :code:`A`, :code:`B`, and :code:`C` may be
different or the same). Harmonic angular three-particle bonds in HyMD take
the form
.. math::
V_3(\\mathbf{r}_1, \\mathbf{r}_2, \\mathbf{r}_3) =
\\right] - \\theta_0
atom_1 : str
Type name of particle 1.
atom_2 : str
Type name of particle 2.
atom_3 : str
Type name of particle 3.
equilibrium : float
Equilibrium angle at which the energy associated with the
three-particle angular bond vanishes and the resulting force is zero.
strength : float
Harmonic bond strength coefficient.
See also
Bond :
Two-particle bond type dataclass
atom_3: str
class Dihedral:
"""Dataclass representing a single four-particle bond type
A `bond type` is a bond strength and equilibrium angle associated with
any four-particle torsional bond between particles of specific types
:code:`A`, :code:`B`, :code:`C`, and :code:`D` (where :code:`A`, :code:`B`,
:code:`C`, and :code:`D` may be different or the same). Dihedral
four-particle bonds in HyMD take different forms depending on the
:code:`dih_type` parameter.
In the following, let :math:`\\phi` denote the angle between the planes
spanned by the relative positions of atoms :code:`A`-:code:`B`-:code:`C`
and :code:`B`-:code:`C`-:code:`D`. If :code:`dih_type = 0`, then
.. math::
V_4(\\phi) = \\sum_n c_n
1 + \\cos\\left[
n\\phi - d_n
where :math:`c_n` are energy coefficients and :math:`d_n` are propensity
phases. By default, the cosine sum is truncated at five terms. If
:code:`coeffs` provides only a single float, this is used as the coiling
propensity parameter :math:`\\lambda`. In this case, :math:`c_n` and
:math:`d_n` are automatically set to values which promote alpha helical
(:math:`\\lambda=-1`), beta sheet (:math:`\\lambda=1`), or a mixed
(:math:`1>\\lambda>-1`) structure (using values provided by Bore et al.
(2018)). In this case, the full potential takes the form
.. math::
V_4(\\phi;\\lambda) =
\\frac{1}{2}(1-\\lambda) V_{\\text{prop},\\alpha}(\\phi)
\\frac{1}{2}(1+\\lambda) V_{\\text{prop},\\beta}(\\phi)
(1-\\vert\\lambda\\vert) V_{\\text{prop}, \\text{coil}}(\\phi),
with each of the :math:`V_{\\mathrm{prop}, X}` being fixed cosine series
potentials with pre-set :math:`c_n` -s and :math:`d_n` -s.
If :code:`dih_type = 1`, then a combined bending torsional (CBT) potential
is employed,
.. math::
V_4(\\phi,\\gamma;\\lambda) =
\\frac{1}{2}K(\\phi)(\\gamma - \\gamma_0)^2,
where :math:`V_4(\\phi;\\lambda)` specifies the potential as given by the
coiling propensity parameter above, :math:`K(\\phi)` is a separate cosine
series potential acting as the angular three-particle bond strength, and
:math:`\\gamma_0` is the three-particle bond equilibrium angle. In this
case, the :code:`coeffs` parameter must specify *both* a :math:`\\lambda`
value, in additon to the energy and phases dictating the :math:`K(\\phi)`
atom_1 : str
Type name of particle 1.
atom_2 : str
Type name of particle 2.
atom_3 : str
Type name of particle 3.
atom_4 : str
Type name of particle 4.
coeffs : list[list[float]] or list[float] or numpy.ndarray
Dihedral coefficients defining the series expansion of the dihedral
dih_type : int
Specifies the type of dihedral used; If :code:`0`, then :code:`coeffs`
must contain **either** two lists of five energy coefficients
:math:`c_n` and five propensity phases :math:`d_n` **or** a single
floating point number defining the :math:`\\lambda` coiling propensity
parameter. If :code:`1`, the combined bending-torsional potential is
used, and :code:`coeffs` must specify :math:`\\lambda` *and* two lists
containing energy coefficients and propensity phases for the
:math:`V_\\text{prop}` propensity potential, defined in terms of cosine
Bore et al. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 14(2): 1120–1130, 2018.
atom_1: str
atom_2: str
atom_3: str
atom_4: str
coeffs: np.ndarray
dih_type: int
class Chi:
"""Dataclass representing a single :math:`\\chi` mixing interaction type
An `interaction mixing energy type` is a mixing energy associated with
density overlap between species of types :code:`A` and :code:`B`
(specified as inputs :code:`atom_1` and :code:`atom_2`). A positive mixing
energy promotes phase separation, a negative mixing energy promotes mixing.
The interaction energy density (provided the :code:`DefaultWithChi`
Hamiltonian is used) takes the form
.. math::
w[\\tilde\\phi] = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa}
\\sum_{k,l}\\chi_{k,l} \\tilde\\phi_k\\tilde\\phi_l,
where :math:`\\chi_{k,l}` denotes the mixing energy between species
:math:`k` and :math:`l`, with :math:`\\kappa` being the incompressibility.
The value of the interaction mixing energy parameter may be extracted from
`Flory-Huggins theory`_.
.. _`Flory-Huggins theory`:
atom_1 : str
Type name of particle 1.
atom_2 : str
Type name of particle 2.
interaction_energy : float
Interaction mixing energy.
See also
hymd.hamiltonian.DefaultWithChi :
Interaction energy functional using :math:`\\chi`-interactions.
atom_1: str
atom_2: str
interaction_energy: float
[docs]def find_all_paths(G, u, n):
"""Helper function that recursively finds all paths of given lenght 'n + 1' inside a network 'G'.
Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/28103735."""
if n == 0:
return [[u]]
paths = []
for neighbor in G.neighbors(u):
for path in find_all_paths(G, neighbor, n - 1):
if u not in path:
paths.append([u] + path)
return paths
[docs]def propensity_potential_coeffs(x: float):
alpha_coeffs = np.array(
[7.406, -5.298, -2.570, 1.336, 0.739],
[-0.28632126, 1.2099146, 1.18122138, 0.49075168, 0.98495911],
beta_coeffs = np.array(
[3.770, 5.929, -4.151, -0.846, 0.190],
[-0.2300693, -0.0583289, 0.99342396, 1.03237971, 2.90160988],
coil_coeffs = np.array(
[1.416, -0.739, 0.990, -0.397, 0.136],
[1.3495933, 0.45649087, 2.30441057, -0.12274901, -0.26179939],
zero_add = np.zeros((2, 5))
if np.isclose(x, -1):
return np.concatenate((alpha_coeffs, zero_add))
elif np.isclose(x, 0):
return np.concatenate((coil_coeffs, zero_add))
elif np.isclose(x, 1):
return np.concatenate((beta_coeffs, zero_add))
abs_x = np.abs(x)
if abs_x > 1:
err_str = (
f"The provided value of lambda = {x} is out of lambda definition range, "
f"[-1.0, 1.0]."
Logger.rank0.log(logging.ERROR, err_str)
coil_coeffs[0] *= 1 - abs_x
if x < 0:
alpha_coeffs[0] *= 0.5 * (abs_x - x)
return np.concatenate((alpha_coeffs, coil_coeffs))
beta_coeffs[0] *= 0.5 * (abs_x + x)
return np.concatenate((beta_coeffs, coil_coeffs))
[docs]def prepare_bonds_old(molecules, names, bonds, indices, config):
"""Find bonded interactions from connectivity and bond types information
.. deprecated:: 1.0.0
:code:`prepare_bonds_old` was replaced by :code:`prepare_bonds` for
use with compiled Fortran kernels prior to 1.0.0 release.
Prepares the necessary equilibrium and bond strength information needed by
the intramolecular interaction functions. This is performed locally on each
MPI rank, as the domain decomposition ensures that for all molecules *all*
consituent particles are always contained on *the same* MPI rankself.
This function traverses the bond connectivity information provided in the
structure/topology input file and indentifies any two-, three-, or
four-particle potential bonds. For each connected chain of two, three, or
four particles, a matching to bond types is attempted. If the corresponding
names match, a bond object is initialized.
In order to investigate the connectivity, a graph is created using
networkx functionality.
molecules : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of :code:`N` particles.
Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank
only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.
names : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type names for each of :code:`N` particles.
bonds : (N,M) numpy.ndarray
Array of :code:`M` bonds originating from each of :code:`N` particles.
indices : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Global
(across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only)
may be used, both, without affecting the result.
config : Config
Configuration object.
bonds_2 : list
List of lists containing *local* particle indices, equilibrium
distance, and bond strength coefficient for each reconstructed
two-particle bond.
bonds_3 :
List of lists containing *local* particle indices, equilibrium angle,
and bond strength coefficient for each reconstructed three-particle
bonds_4 :
List of lists containing *local* particle indices, dihedral type index,
and dihedral coefficients for each reconstructed four-particle
torsional bond.
bb_index : list
List indicating the dihedral type of each four-particle bond in
See also
Bond :
Two-particle bond type dataclass.
Angle :
Three-particle angular bond type dataclass.
Dihedral :
Four-particle torsional bond type dataclass.
Configuration dataclass handler.
bonds_2 = []
bonds_3 = []
bonds_4 = []
bb_index = []
different_molecules = np.unique(molecules)
for mol in different_molecules:
bb_dihedral = 0
bond_graph = nx.Graph()
for local_index, global_index in enumerate(indices):
if molecules[local_index] != mol:
for bond in [b for b in bonds[local_index] if b != -1]:
bond_graph.add_edge(global_index, bond)
connectivity = nx.all_pairs_shortest_path(bond_graph)
for c in connectivity:
i = c[0]
connected = c[1]
for j, path in connected.items():
if len(path) == 2 and path[-1] > path[0]:
name_i = bond_graph.nodes()[i]["name"]
name_j = bond_graph.nodes()[j]["name"]
for b in config.bonds:
match_forward = name_i == b.atom_1 and name_j == b.atom_2
match_backward = name_i == b.atom_2 and name_j == b.atom_1
if match_forward or match_backward:
if len(path) == 3 and path[-1] > path[0]:
name_i = bond_graph.nodes()[i]["name"]
name_mid = bond_graph.nodes()[path[1]]["name"]
name_j = bond_graph.nodes()[j]["name"]
for a in config.angle_bonds:
match_forward = (
name_i == a.atom_1
and name_mid == a.atom_2
and name_j == a.atom_3
match_backward = (
name_i == a.atom_3
and name_mid == a.atom_2
and name_j == a.atom_1
if match_forward or match_backward:
all_paths_len_four = find_all_paths(bond_graph, i, 3)
for p in all_paths_len_four:
name_i = bond_graph.nodes()[i]["name"]
name_mid_1 = bond_graph.nodes()[p[1]]["name"]
name_mid_2 = bond_graph.nodes()[p[2]]["name"]
name_j = bond_graph.nodes()[p[3]]["name"]
for a in config.dihedrals:
match_forward = (
name_i == a.atom_1
and name_mid_1 == a.atom_2
and name_mid_2 == a.atom_3
and name_j == a.atom_4
if (
and [
not in bonds_4
if a.dih_type == 1:
bb_dihedral = len(bonds_4)
if bb_dihedral:
bb_index.append(bb_dihedral - 1)
return bonds_2, bonds_3, bonds_4, bb_index
[docs]def prepare_index_based_bonds(molecules, topol):
bonds_2 = []
bonds_3 = []
bonds_4 = []
different_molecules = np.unique(molecules)
for mol in different_molecules:
resid = mol + 1
top_summary = topol["system"]["molecules"]
resname = None
test_mol_number = 0
for molname in top_summary:
test_mol_number += molname[1]
if resid <= test_mol_number:
resname = molname[0]
if resname is None:
if "bonds" in topol[resname]:
first_id = np.where(molecules == mol)[0][0]
for bond in topol[resname]["bonds"]:
index_i = bond[0] - 1 + first_id
index_j = bond[1] - 1 + first_id
# bond[2] is the bond type, inherited by the itp format. Not used
equilibrium = bond[3]
strength = bond[4]
bonds_2.append([index_i, index_j, equilibrium, strength])
if "angles" in topol[resname]:
first_id = np.where(molecules == mol)[0][0]
for angle in topol[resname]["angles"]:
index_i = angle[0] - 1 + first_id
index_j = angle[1] - 1 + first_id
index_k = angle[2] - 1 + first_id
# angle[3] is the angle type, inherited by the itp format. Not used
equilibrium = np.radians(angle[4])
strength = angle[5]
bonds_3.append([index_i, index_j, index_k, equilibrium, strength])
if "dihedrals" in topol[resname]:
first_id = np.where(molecules == mol)[0][0]
for angle in topol[resname]["dihedrals"]:
index_i = angle[0] - 1 + first_id
index_j = angle[1] - 1 + first_id
index_k = angle[2] - 1 + first_id
index_l = angle[3] - 1 + first_id
dih_type = angle[4]
coeff = angle[5]
if dih_type == 0 and isinstance(coeff[0], (float, int)):
coeff = propensity_potential_coeffs(coeff[0])
elif dih_type == 1 and len(coeff) == 3:
coeff = np.array(
+ coeff[1:]
elif dih_type == 2:
coeff = np.array(coeff)
coeff = np.insert(np.array(coeff), 2, np.zeros((2, 5)), axis=0)
bonds_4.append([index_i, index_j, index_k, index_l, coeff, dih_type, 0])
return bonds_2, bonds_3, bonds_4
[docs]def prepare_bonds(molecules, names, bonds, indices, config, topol=None):
"""Rearrange the bond information for usage in compiled Fortran kernels
Restructures the lists resulting from the execution of
:code:`prepare_bonds_old` into numpy arrays suitable for calls to optimized
Fortran code calculating bonded forces and energiesself.
molecules : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer molecule affiliation for each of :code:`N` particles.
Global (across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank
only) may be used, both, without affecting the result.
names : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of type names for each of :code:`N` particles.
bonds : (N,M) numpy.ndarray
Array of :code:`M` bonds originating from each of :code:`N` particles.
indices : (N,) numpy.ndarray
Array of integer indices for each of :code:`N` particles. Global
(across all MPI ranks) or local (local indices on this MPI rank only)
may be used, both, without affecting the result.
config : Config
Configuration object.
bonds_2_atom_1 : (B,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of :code:`B` constructed
two-particle bonds.
bonds_2_atom_2 : (B,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of :code:`B` constructed
two-particle bonds.
bonds_2_equilibrium : (B,) numpy.ndarray
Equilibrium distance for each of :code:`B` constructed two-particle
bonds_2_strength : (B,) numpy.ndarray
Bond strength for each of :code:`B` constructed two-particle
bonds_3_atom_1 : (A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of :code:`A` constructed
three-particle bonds.
bonds_3_atom_2 : (A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of :code:`A` constructed
three-particle bonds.
bonds_3_atom_3 : (A,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 3 for each of :code:`A` constructed
three-particle bonds.
bonds_3_equilibrium : (A,) numpy.ndarray
Equilibrium angle for each of :code:`A` constructed three-particle
bonds_3_strength : (A,) numpy.ndarray
Bond strength for each of :code:`A` constructed three-particle
bonds_4_atom_1 : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 1 for each of :code:`D` constructed
four-particle bonds.
bonds_4_atom_2 : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 2 for each of :code:`D` constructed
four-particle bonds.
bonds_4_atom_3 : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 3 for each of :code:`D` constructed
four-particle bonds.
bonds_4_atom_4 : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Local index of particle 4 for each of :code:`D` constructed
four-particle bonds.
bonds_4_coeff : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Cosine series coefficients for each of :code:`D` constructed
four-particle bonds.
bonds_4_type : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Dihedral type for each of :code:`D` constructed four-particle
bonds_4_last : (D,) numpy.ndarray
Flags indicating if :code:`dih_type` is :code:`1` for each of :code:`D`
constructed four-particle bonds.
See also
prepare_bonds_old :
Used internally to reconstruct the bonded interactions types from the
connectivity information in the structure/topology input file and the
bonded types specified in the configuration file.
if topol is not None:
bonds_2, bonds_3, bonds_4 = prepare_index_based_bonds(
molecules, topol
bonds_2, bonds_3, bonds_4, bb_index = prepare_bonds_old(
molecules, names, bonds, indices, config
# Bonds
bonds_2_atom1 = np.empty(len(bonds_2), dtype=int)
bonds_2_atom2 = np.empty(len(bonds_2), dtype=int)
bonds_2_equilibrium = np.empty(len(bonds_2), dtype=np.float64)
bonds_2_strength = np.empty(len(bonds_2), dtype=np.float64)
for i, b in enumerate(bonds_2):
bonds_2_atom1[i] = b[0]
bonds_2_atom2[i] = b[1]
bonds_2_equilibrium[i] = b[2]
bonds_2_strength[i] = b[3]
# Angles
bonds_3_atom1 = np.empty(len(bonds_3), dtype=int)
bonds_3_atom2 = np.empty(len(bonds_3), dtype=int)
bonds_3_atom3 = np.empty(len(bonds_3), dtype=int)
bonds_3_equilibrium = np.empty(len(bonds_3), dtype=np.float64)
bonds_3_strength = np.empty(len(bonds_3), dtype=np.float64)
for i, b in enumerate(bonds_3):
bonds_3_atom1[i] = b[0]
bonds_3_atom2[i] = b[1]
bonds_3_atom3[i] = b[2]
bonds_3_equilibrium[i] = b[3]
bonds_3_strength[i] = b[4]
# Dihedrals
bonds_4_atom1 = np.empty(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
bonds_4_atom2 = np.empty(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
bonds_4_atom3 = np.empty(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
bonds_4_atom4 = np.empty(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
number_of_coeff = 6
len_of_coeff = 5
bonds_4_coeff = np.empty(
(len(bonds_4), number_of_coeff, len_of_coeff), dtype=np.float64
bonds_4_type = np.empty(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
bonds_4_last = np.zeros(len(bonds_4), dtype=int)
for i, b in enumerate(bonds_4):
bonds_4_atom1[i] = b[0]
bonds_4_atom2[i] = b[1]
bonds_4_atom3[i] = b[2]
bonds_4_atom4[i] = b[3]
bonds_4_coeff[i] = np.resize(b[4], (number_of_coeff, len_of_coeff))
bonds_4_type[i] = b[5]
if topol is not None:
bonds_4_last[i] = b[6]
if topol is None:
bonds_4_last[bb_index] = 1
return (
bonds_3_strength, # noqa: E501
bonds_4_last, # noqa: E501
[docs]def compute_bond_forces__plain(f_bonds, r, bonds_2, box_size):
"""Computes forces resulting from bonded interactions
.. deprecated:: 1.0.0
:code:`compute_bond_forces__plain` was replaced by compiled Fortran
code prior to 1.0.0 release.
energy = 0.0
for i, j, r0, k in bonds_2:
ri = r[i, :]
rj = r[j, :]
rij = rj - ri
# Apply periodic boundary conditions to the distance rij
for dim in range(len(rij)):
rij[dim] -= box_size[dim] * np.around(rij[dim] / box_size[dim])
dr = np.linalg.norm(rij)
df = -k * (dr - r0)
f_bond_vector = df * rij / dr
f_bonds[i, :] -= f_bond_vector
f_bonds[j, :] += f_bond_vector
energy += 0.5 * k * (dr - r0) ** 2
return energy
[docs]def compute_angle_forces__plain(f_angles, r, bonds_3, box_size):
"""Computes forces resulting from angular interactions
.. deprecated:: 1.0.0
:code:`compute_angle_forces__plain` was replaced by compiled Fortran
code prior to 1.0.0 release.
energy = 0.0
for a, b, c, theta0, k in bonds_3:
ra = r[a, :] - r[b, :]
rc = r[c, :] - r[b, :]
for dim in range(len(ra)):
ra[dim] -= box_size[dim] * np.around(ra[dim] / box_size[dim])
rc[dim] -= box_size[dim] * np.around(rc[dim] / box_size[dim])
xra = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.dot(ra, ra))
xrc = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.dot(rc, rc))
ea = ra * xra
ec = rc * xrc
cosphi = np.dot(ea, ec)
theta = np.arccos(cosphi)
xsinph = 1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 - cosphi**2)
d = theta - theta0
f = -k * d
xrasin = xra * xsinph * f
xrcsin = xrc * xsinph * f
fa = (ea * cosphi - ec) * xrasin
fc = (ec * cosphi - ea) * xrcsin
f_angles[a, :] += fa
f_angles[c, :] += fc
f_angles[b, :] -= fa + fc
# f_angles[b, :] += -(fa + fc)
energy -= 0.5 * f * d
return energy
[docs]def compute_dihedral_forces__plain(f_dihedrals, r, bonds_4, box_size):
"""Computes forces resulting from dihedral interactions
.. deprecated:: 1.0.0
:code:`compute_dihedral_forces__plain` was replaced by compiled Fortran
code prior to 1.0.0 release.
energy = 0.0
for a, b, c, d, coeffs, phase in bonds_4:
f = r[a, :] - r[b, :]
g = r[b, :] - r[c, :]
h = r[d, :] - r[c, :]
for dim in range(3):
f -= box_size[dim] * np.around(f[dim] / box_size[dim])
g -= box_size[dim] * np.around(g[dim] / box_size[dim])
h -= box_size[dim] * np.around(h[dim] / box_size[dim])
v = np.cross(f, g)
w = np.cross(h, g)
vv = np.dot(v, v)
ww = np.dot(w, w)
gn = np.linalg.norm(g)
cosphi = np.dot(v, w)
sinphi = np.dot(np.cross(v, w), g) / gn
phi = np.arctan2(sinphi, cosphi)
fg = np.dot(f, g)
hg = np.dot(h, g)
sc = v * fg / (vv * gn) - w * hg / (ww * gn)
df = 0
for m in range(len(coeffs[0])):
energy += coeffs[0][m] * (1 + np.cos(m * phi - coeffs[1][m]))
df += m * coeffs[0][m] * np.sin(m * phi - coeffs[1][m])
force_on_a = df * gn * v / vv
force_on_d = df * gn * w / ww
f_dihedrals[a, :] -= force_on_a
f_dihedrals[b, :] += df * sc + force_on_a
f_dihedrals[c, :] -= df * sc + force_on_d
f_dihedrals[d, :] += force_on_d
return energy
[docs]def dipole_forces_redistribution(
f_on_bead, f_dipoles, trans_matrices, a, b, c, d, type_array, last_bb
"""Redistribute electrostatic forces calculated from topologically
reconstructed ghost dipole point charges to the backcone atoms of the protein.
for i, j, k, l, fd, matrix, dih_type, is_last in zip(
a, b, c, d, f_dipoles, trans_matrices, type_array, last_bb
if dih_type == 1:
sum_force = fd[0] + fd[1]
diff_force = fd[0] - fd[1]
f_on_bead[i] += matrix[0] @ diff_force # Atom A
f_on_bead[j] += matrix[1] @ diff_force + 0.5 * sum_force # Atom B
f_on_bead[k] += matrix[2] @ diff_force + 0.5 * sum_force # Atom C
if is_last == 1:
sum_force = fd[2] + fd[3]
diff_force = fd[2] - fd[3]
f_on_bead[j] += matrix[3] @ diff_force
f_on_bead[k] += matrix[4] @ diff_force + 0.5 * sum_force
f_on_bead[l] += matrix[5] @ diff_force + 0.5 * sum_force