Source code for hymd.hamiltonian

"""Interaction energy functionals.

Implements field--particle interaction energy functionals depending on the
field configuration. Extending HyMD with a new Hamiltonian is done by
subclassing the :code:`Hamiltonian` superclass with logic intialized in the

The grid-independent filtering function is defined in the :code:`Hamiltonian`
superclass constructor. Hijack :code:`self.H` in a subclass to change the
import numpy as np
import sympy

[docs]class Hamiltonian: """Interaction energy functional superclass"""
[docs] def __init__(self, config): """Constructor Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. See also -------- hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """ self.config = config self._setup()
[docs] def _setup(self): """Superclass setup Sets up the grid-independent filtering function :code:`H`, and the SymPy logic for symbolically differentiating interaction energy functionals in Hamiltonian subclasses. """ if not hasattr(self.config, "simulation_volume"): self.config.simulation_volume = if not self.config.barostat: self.config.rho0 = self.config.n_particles / self.config.simulation_volume self.config.a = self.config.rho0 if not self.config.rho0: self.config.rho0 = self.config.n_particles / self.config.simulation_volume self.phi = sympy.var("phi:%d" % (self.config.n_types)) k = sympy.var("k:%d" % (3)) # electrostatics variables self.psi = sympy.var("psi") self.phi_q = sympy.var("phi_q") if not self.config.self_energy: self.config.self_energy = 0.0 def fourier_space_window_function(k): return sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.exp( -0.5 * self.config.sigma**2 * (k0**2 + k1**2 + k2**2) # noqa: F821, E501 ) self.window_function_lambda = sympy.lambdify( [k], fourier_space_window_function(k) ) def H(k, v): return v * self.window_function_lambda(k) self.H = H
[docs]class SquaredPhi(Hamiltonian): """Simple squared density interaction energy functional The interaction energy density takes the form .. math:: w[\\tilde\\phi] = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa\\rho_0} \\left( \\sum_k \\tilde\\phi_k \\right)^2, where :math:`\\kappa` is the compressibility and :math:`rho_0` is the average density of the fully homogenous system. Expressing the species densities in terms of fluctuations from the average, .. math:: \\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k = \\rho_0 - \\tilde\\phi_k, it is evident that this interaction energy functional is a slight change of the :code:`DefaultNoChi` Hamiltonian, as the expanded interaction energy density becomes .. math:: w[\\tilde\\phi] = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa\\rho_0} \\left( 6\\rho_0\\left[ \\sum_k \\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k \\right] + 9\\rho_0^2 + \\sum_k \\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k^2 + \\prod_{k\\not=l} \\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k \\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_l \\right), identical to :code:`DefaultNoChi` apart from a constant energy shift :math:`9\\rho_0^2`(which does not impact dynamics) and the :math:`\\rho_0`--:math:`\\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k` cross-terms. These cross-terms constitute contributions to the energy linear in :math:`\\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k` absent in :code:`DefaultNoChi`, which has only quadratic terms present. See also -------- hymd.hamiltonian.DefaultNoChi """
[docs] def __init__(self, config): """Constructor Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. See also -------- hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """ super(SquaredPhi, self).__init__(config) super(SquaredPhi, self)._setup() self.setup()
[docs] def setup(self): """Setup the interaction energy potential and the external potential""" def w(phi, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0): return 0.5 / (kappa * rho0) * (sum(phi)) ** 2 def w_elec( phi_q, psi, volume=self.config.simulation_volume, self_energy=self.config.self_energy, ): self_energy /= volume return 0.5 * phi_q * psi - self_energy def V_bar_0( phi, k, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0, ): V_incompressibility = 1 / (kappa * rho0) * sum(phi) V_interaction = 0 return V_interaction + V_incompressibility def V_bar_elec( psi, t, type_charges=self.config.type_charges, ): return type_charges[t] * psi self.V_bar_0 = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.V_bar = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.psi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) + V_bar_elec(self.psi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.v_ext = [ sympy.lambdify([self.phi], sympy.diff(w(self.phi), self.phi[i])) for i in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.w_0 = sympy.lambdify([self.phi], w(self.phi)) self.w_elec = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi_q, self.psi)], w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi) ) if self.config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral": self.w = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.phi_q, self.psi)], w(self.phi) + w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi), ) else: self.w = self.w_0
[docs]class DefaultNoChi(Hamiltonian): """Incompressibility-only interaction energy functional The interaction energy density takes the form .. math:: w[\\tilde\\phi] = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa} \\left( \\sum_k \\tilde\\phi_k - a \\right)^2, where :math:`\\kappa` is the compressibility and :math:`a=\\rho_0` for NVT runs where :math:`\\rho_0` is the average density of the fully homogenous system. In case of NPT runs, :math:`a` is a calibrated parameter to obtain the correct average density at the target temperature and pressure. The :code:`SquaredPhi` Hamiltonian implements a similar functional with an additional linear term component depending on .. math:: \\mathmr{d}\\tilde\\phi_k = \\tilde\\phi_k - \\rho_0 and not :math:`\\mathrm{d}\\tilde\\phi_k^2`. No explicit inter-species interaction is present apart from the indirect interaction through the incompressibility. See also -------- hymd.hamiltonian.DefaultNoChi hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """
[docs] def __init__(self, config): """Constructor Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. See also -------- hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """ super(DefaultNoChi, self).__init__(config) super(DefaultNoChi, self)._setup() self.setup()
[docs] def setup(self): """Setup the interaction energy potential and the external potential""" def w(phi, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0, a=self.config.a): return 0.5 / (kappa * rho0) * (sum(phi) - a) ** 2 def w_elec( phi_q, psi, volume=self.config.simulation_volume, self_energy=self.config.self_energy, ): self_energy /= volume return 0.5 * phi_q * psi - self_energy def V_bar_0( phi, k, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0, a=self.config.a, ): V_incompressibility = 1 / (kappa * rho0) * (sum(phi) - a) V_interaction = 0 return V_interaction + V_incompressibility def V_bar_elec( psi, t, type_charges=self.config.type_charges, ): return type_charges[t] * psi self.V_bar_0 = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.V_bar = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.psi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) + V_bar_elec(self.psi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.v_ext = [ sympy.lambdify([self.phi], sympy.diff(w(self.phi), self.phi[i])) for i in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.w_0 = sympy.lambdify([self.phi], w(self.phi)) self.w_elec = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi_q, self.psi)], w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi) ) if self.config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral": self.w = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.phi_q, self.psi)], w(self.phi) + w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi), ) else: self.w = self.w_0
[docs]class DefaultWithChi(Hamiltonian): """Incompressibility and :math:`\\chi`-interactions energy functional The interaction energy density takes the form .. math:: w[\\tilde\\phi] = \\frac{1}{2\\rho_0} \\sum_{k,l}\\chi_{kl} \\tilde\\phi_k \\tilde\\phi_l + \\frac{1}{2\\kappa} \\left( \\sum_k \\tilde\\phi_k - a \\right)^2, where :math:`\\kappa` is the compressibility and :math:`a=\\rho_0` for NVT runs where :math:`\\rho_0` is the average density of the fully homogenous system. In case of NPT runs, :math:`a` is a calibrated parameter to obtain the correct average density at the target temperature and pressure. :math:`\\chi_{ij}` is the Flory-Huggins-like inter-species mixing energy. """
[docs] def __init__(self, config, unique_names, type_to_name_map): """Constructor Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. unique_names : numpy.ndarray Sorted array of all distinct names of different species present in the simulation. Result of :code:`numpy.unique(all_names)`, where :code:`all_names` is the gathered union of all individual MPI ranks' :code:`names` arrays. type_to_name_map : dict[int, str] Dictionary of the mapping from type indices (integers) to type names. See also -------- hymd.input_parser.Config : Configuration dataclass handler. """ super(DefaultWithChi, self).__init__(config) super(DefaultWithChi, self)._setup() self.setup(unique_names, type_to_name_map)
[docs] def setup(self, unique_names, type_to_name_map): """Setup the interaction energy potential and the external potential Parameters ---------- unique_names : numpy.ndarray Sorted array of all distinct names of different species present in the simulation. Result of :code:`numpy.unique(all_names)`, where :code:`all_names` is the gathered union of all individual MPI ranks' :code:`names` arrays. type_to_name_map : dict[int, str] Dictionary of the mapping from type indices (integers) to type names. """ self.type_to_name_map = type_to_name_map self.chi_type_dictionary = { tuple(sorted([c.atom_1, c.atom_2])): c.interaction_energy for c in self.config.chi } self.phi_laplacian = [ sympy.var("phi_laplacian%d(0:%d)" % (t, 3)) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] def w( phi, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0, a=self.config.a, chi=self.config.chi, type_to_name_map=self.type_to_name_map, chi_type_dictionary=self.chi_type_dictionary, ): interaction = 0.0 for i in range(self.config.n_types): for j in range(i + 1, self.config.n_types): ni = type_to_name_map[i] nj = type_to_name_map[j] names = sorted([ni, nj]) c = chi_type_dictionary[tuple(names)] interaction += c * phi[i] * phi[j] / rho0 incompressibility = 0.5 / (kappa * rho0) * (sum(phi) - a) ** 2 return incompressibility + interaction def w_elec( phi_q, psi, volume=self.config.simulation_volume, self_energy=self.config.self_energy, ): self_energy /= volume return 0.5 * phi_q * psi - self_energy def V_bar_0( phi, t, kappa=self.config.kappa, rho0=self.config.rho0, a=self.config.a, chi=self.config.chi, type_to_name_map=self.type_to_name_map, chi_type_dictionary=self.chi_type_dictionary, ): V_incompressibility = 1 / (kappa * rho0) * (sum(phi) - a) V_interaction = 0.0 nk = type_to_name_map[t] for i in range(self.config.n_types): ni = type_to_name_map[i] names = sorted([nk, ni]) if ni != nk: c = chi_type_dictionary[tuple(names)] else: c = 0.0 # uncomment to count diagonal chi terms: # c = chi_type_dictionary[tuple(names)] V_interaction += c * phi[i] / rho0 return V_interaction + V_incompressibility def V_bar_elec( psi, t, type_charges=self.config.type_charges, ): return type_charges[t] * psi self.V_bar_0 = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.V_bar = [ sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.psi)], V_bar_0(self.phi, t) + V_bar_elec(self.psi, t) ) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.v_ext = [ sympy.lambdify([self.phi], sympy.diff(w(self.phi), self.phi[t])) for t in range(self.config.n_types) ] self.w_0 = sympy.lambdify([self.phi], w(self.phi)) self.w_elec = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi_q, self.psi)], w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi) ) if self.config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral": self.w = sympy.lambdify( [(self.phi, self.phi_q, self.psi)], w(self.phi) + w_elec(self.phi_q, self.psi), ) else: self.w = self.w_0
def get_hamiltonian(config): """Return appropriate Hamiltonian object based on the config.hamiltonian string. Parameters ---------- config : Config Configuration object. Returns ---------- hamiltonian : Hamiltonian Hamiltonian object. """ if config.hamiltonian.lower() == "defaultnochi": hamiltonian = DefaultNoChi(config) elif config.hamiltonian.lower() == "defaultwithchi": hamiltonian = DefaultWithChi( config, config.unique_names, config.type_to_name_map ) elif config.hamiltonian.lower() == "squaredphi": hamiltonian = SquaredPhi(config) return hamiltonian