Source code for hymd.pressure

import logging
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from .logger import Logger
import sympy
from .field import comp_laplacian

[docs]def comp_pressure( phi, phi_q, psi, hamiltonian, velocities, config, phi_fourier, phi_laplacian, phi_transfer, positions, bond_pr, angle_pr, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, ): """ Computes total internal pressure of the system. Kinetic pressure is trivially calculated from the kinetic energy. Already computed bond and angle pressure terms are inserted into the total internal pressure. The field pressure equation is implemented. Parameters ---------- phi : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`RealField` objects containing discretized particle number density values on the computational grid; one for each particle type :code:`M`. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded. Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. hamiltonian : Hamiltonian Particle-field interaction energy handler object. Defines the grid-independent filtering function, :math:`H`. velocities : (N, D) numpy.ndarray Array of velocities of N particles in D dimensions. config : Config Configuration dataclass containing simulation metadata and parameters. phi_fourier : list[], (M,) Pmesh :code:`ComplexField` objects containing discretized particle number density values in reciprocal space on the computational grid; one for each particle type. Pre-allocated, but empty; any values in this field are discarded Changed in-place. Local for each MPI rank--the full computaional grid is represented by the collective fields of all MPI ranks. phi_laplacian : list[], (M, 3) Like phi, but containing the laplacian of particle number densities. phi_transfer : list[], (3,) Like phi_fourier, used as an intermediary to perform FFT operations to obtain the gradient or laplacian of particle number densities. positions : (N,D) numpy.ndarray Array of positions for :code:`N` particles in :code:`D` dimensions. Local for each MPI rank. bond_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total bond pressure due all two-particle bonds. angle_pr : (3,) numpy.ndarray Total angle pressure due all three-particle bonds comm : MPI.Intracomm, optional MPI communicator to use for rank commuication. Defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD. Returns ------- pressure : (18,) numpy.ndarray Pressure contributions from various energy terms. 0: due to kinetic energy 1-5: due to field energy 6-8: due to two-particle bonded terms 9-11: due to three-particle bonded terms (called angle terms) 12-14: due to four-particle bonded terms (called dihedral terms) (defaults to 0 currently. Yet to be implemented) 15-17: total pressure in x,y,z directions. """ rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() V = n_mesh__cells =, config.mesh_size)) volume_per_cell = V / n_mesh__cells w_0 = hamiltonian.w_0(phi) * volume_per_cell w_elec = 0.0 if (config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral_GPE") or ( config.coulombtype == "PIC_Spectral" ): w_elec = hamiltonian.w_elec([phi_q, psi]) * volume_per_cell w = w_0 + w_elec # Kinetic term kinetic_energy = 0.5 * config.mass * np.sum(velocities**2) p_kin = 2 / (3 * V) * kinetic_energy # Term 1 p0 = -1 / V * np.sum(w) # Term 2 if psi is not None: # if using electrostatics V_bar = np.array([hamiltonian.V_bar[k]([phi, psi]) for k in range(config.n_types)]) else: V_bar = np.array([hamiltonian.V_bar_0[k](phi) for k in range(config.n_types)]) p1 = np.sum((volume_per_cell / V) * V_bar * phi) # Term 3 comp_laplacian( phi_fourier, phi_transfer, phi_laplacian, hamiltonian, config, ) p2 = np.sum( volume_per_cell / V * config.sigma**2 * np.repeat(V_bar[:, np.newaxis, :, :, :], 3, axis=1) * phi_laplacian, axis=(0, 2, 3, 4), ) # Bonded force term: linking 2 particles p_bond = bond_pr / V # Angle force term: linking 3 particles p_angle = angle_pr / V # TODO: Dihedral angle force term: linking 4 atoms p_dihedral = np.zeros(3) # Add formal parameter dihedral_forces as: comp_pressure(..., dihedral_forces) # Define dictionary: # forces = { # 'x': dihedral_forces[:,0], # 'y': dihedral_forces[:,1], # 'z': dihedral_forces[:,2] # } # Compute the pressure due to dihedrals as: # p_dihedral = { # 'x': np.sum( np.multiply(forces['x'],positions[:,0]) )*(1/V), # 'y': np.sum( np.multiply(forces['y'],positions[:,1]) )*(1/V), # 'z': np.sum( np.multiply(forces['z'],positions[:,2]) )*(1/V) # } # Total pressure in x, y, z p_tot = p_kin + p0 + p1 + p2 + p_bond + p_angle + p_dihedral return_value = np.array( [ p_kin, p0, p1, p2[0], p2[1], p2[2], p_bond[0], p_bond[1], p_bond[2], p_angle[0], p_angle[1], p_angle[2], p_dihedral[0], p_dihedral[1], p_dihedral[2], p_tot[0], p_tot[1], p_tot[2], ] ) return_value = comm.allreduce(return_value, MPI.SUM) return return_value